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View Full Version : iPAQ 3970 listed at Expansys!

Ed Hansberry
05-28-2002, 01:36 PM
<a href="http://www.expansys.com/product.asp?code=CMQ-H3970">http://www.expansys.com/product.asp?code=CMQ-H3970</a><br /><br />Expansys is currently accepting pre-orders for the iPAQ 3970 model, which seems to be very similar to the iPAQ 3870, except it has a 400MHz X-Scale processor. Of course, 64MB of RAM, Bluetooth and support for existing iPAQ sleeves are included.<br /><br /><a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1445">Given Andy's post on the X-Scale delay</a> though, I wouldn't expect it to ship much before July.<br /><br />Thanks to Daniel for the heads up.

05-28-2002, 03:28 PM
Will my Pocket PC 2002 ARM apps work on the 400MHz X-Scale processor

05-28-2002, 03:55 PM
I don't see an HP logo on that.

So is the iPAQ H5000 not going to be compatible with the current sleeves?

Ed Hansberry
05-28-2002, 04:06 PM
Will my Pocket PC 2002 ARM apps work on the 400MHz X-Scale processor
Yes. The X-Scale is just Intel's branding of their 400MHz ARM chip.

Sanjay Srikonda
05-28-2002, 05:00 PM
So, are they going to give us a head's up if we pre-order it and then find that the price is too high when they finally set a price?

05-28-2002, 05:51 PM
They are simply trolling for orders here guys. In just the same manner as a couple of online resellers did recently with the Toshiba PPC, and look how that ended up. Before I put my credit card number on ther line I would like to know that the device is a little more definite than what it is now. It will come, I'm sure. BUT there are a few hurdles, and hoops to get by first.


05-28-2002, 06:43 PM
Expansys has always been good with my credit card never charging it till it ships, besides according to Bestbuy....they will be getting the Toshiba e740 on July 7, they even have a sku for it so I am sure these new Ipaqs aren't far behind. Here's the info from over at Brighthand....

Info on the Toshiba e740 from Best Buy:

Available in stock on 07/07/02. Only integrated 802.11b (Wi-Fi) is offered. The screen is 3.5". It is listed in the Best Buy database under the SKU# 4647485. If you decide to check it out at the bricks and mortar store, ask the Best Buy employee to look through the Retailzone portal available through their Employee Toolkit. It is going to retail for $599.99. Just for kicks: employee price is $504.00.

05-28-2002, 07:39 PM
We can only hope.

I wonder..... how many of us were taking bets that the HP570 was going to shipped on May 15th. There have been too many rumors and reports of Intel still having problems with the Xscale processor for me to be positive that it will ship on time....IMHO


05-28-2002, 08:41 PM
Do not trust any information on the Expansys site. Just as soon as they hear of a device that is supposed to be oming they put it up for pre-orders. The fact that a 3970 is on Expansys is meaningless. They are sill taking pre-orders for the Jornada 928 for heavens sake!

Dave Conger
05-28-2002, 11:09 PM
I find is strange that Expansys refers to it as a StrongARM processor and not Xscale. Also why does Compaq get to release one more iPAQ and HP can't release one more Jornada?

Ed Hansberry
05-29-2002, 01:16 AM
Also why does Compaq get to release one more iPAQ and HP can't release one more Jornada?
They don't.

HP gets to release the iPAQ. Compaq is gone and so is the Jornada. :wink:

05-29-2002, 01:41 AM
Duncan, I don't agree with you. So far, Expansys has been pretty precise in predicting what devices would become available. They don't presell items of which they don't know that it will be in their stock at one time. Of course, they might be confronted with a withdrawl on the last minute, due to a merger. As for the 928: AFAIK this is still not officially cancelled (unlike the Jornada Xscale). But if it will be introduced is still a question, and I hope it's a good sign Expansys still has it listed. In my opinion they have a good history of getting the product numbers and specs right on their preorder items.

One other thing is that they are just as clueless as the rest of us when it comes to predicting the release date. That can result in either "we don't know" as with the 3970, or "within X days" where X does not mean any guarantees.

As I experienced myself, withdrawing your order with them is plain simple: just mail you don't want it, and you're done. If you keep your order, they'll contact you when they set the price, and ask if you'll stay with the order. Pre-ordering - If you place a backorder for this product now, we will not ship the product or charge your credit card without confirming you still wish to proceed when stock arrives. There are no cancellation charges.

Can you tell I've had very good experiences with Expansys? ;) It's just that if you have the time, and patience, you might end up with a better price elsewhere, as they are not exactly known for their low prices.

05-29-2002, 02:17 AM

I've had quite a few experiences with Expansys - and few have been positive. I've been directly lied to by them, I've pointed out errors (one of them glaringly misadvertising a product) only to find that they haven't bothered to put things right!

The simple fact of the matter is that they announce the availability of an item for pre-order before (in many cases) they even know its specifications. They practice in a dishonest manner.

Their intention is to give the impression that they are more 'on the ball' than other retailers - in truth, more honest retailers (such as Dabs.com) wait until they have a price and definite knowledge before advertising.

They boast about the ability customers have to withdraw their order as if this is something special - far from it! It is a legal obligation on their part - you cannot be held to a preorder on goods where the price is not known. In the mean time they get lots of publicity for being 'first' - this makes people think they are the ones to buy from. In truth - they are expensive (and always slow to cut prices when everyone else is reducing - e.g. recent CF card prices).

One thing - if their info comes from HP - why do they:

1) Reuse the photo of the 3870? (and it is definitely the same photo)?
2) Reuse the same blurb as for the 3870?
3) Continue to refer to it as a Compaq machine?
4) Continue to offer the HP J 928 when HP themelves have said it is not going to happen?
5) Refer to the 400Mhz 'StrongArm' processor (could it be - shock, horror! - because all they did was replace '3870' with '3970' and '206' with '400')?

In my opinion they have a good history of getting the product numbers and specs right on their preorder items.

This is because (and I got this from an Expansys employee) they read up on what is coming out on Pocket PC websites and stick the relevant unit up for pre-order. Quite frankly they can be pretty lazy about getting their facts straight as well!

I don't trust them and I wouldn't advise anyone else to either.

Dave Conger
05-29-2002, 07:52 AM
Also why does Compaq get to release one more iPAQ and HP can't release one more Jornada?
They don't.

HP gets to release the iPAQ. Compaq is gone and so is the Jornada. :wink:

But Ed, the page in reference still is refering to it as the Compaq iPAQ. If the Expansys post is right, then it would be a Compaq branded product. I realize that HP is taking over the iPAQ, but depending how far this product is into production, couldn't it still be branded as a Compaq?

05-29-2002, 10:00 AM
Expansys has always been good with my credit card never charging it till it ships, besides according to Bestbuy....they will be getting the Toshiba e740 on July 7, they even have a sku for it so I am sure these new Ipaqs aren't far behind. Here's the info from over at Brighthand....

Info on the Toshiba e740 from Best Buy:

Available in stock on 07/07/02. Only integrated 802.11b (Wi-Fi) is offered. The screen is 3.5". It is listed in the Best Buy database under the SKU# 4647485. If you decide to check it out at the bricks and mortar store, ask the Best Buy employee to look through the Retailzone portal available through their Employee Toolkit. It is going to retail for $599.99. Just for kicks: employee price is $504.00.

Singapore - Toshiba aims to raise Pocket PC market share

Toshiba Singapore is aiming to capture a 30% share of the Singapore Pocket PC market by May 2003. The company will thus need to have around 10k unit sales of Pocket PCs by end-2002, according to figures from International Data (IDC) provided by Toshiba Singapore. Toshiba will invest around SDlr500k by end-July 2002 in a promotional campaign to raise its handheld sales in Singapore. The company will initially launch the e310 handheld, costing SDlr749, and distributed by Toshiba Data Dynamics. The e310 will feature 32MB RAM. Toshiba will target corporate users, which account for 80% of its notebook customers. The company also aims to launch the e310 in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam over the coming few weeks. Toshiba also aims to launch three further handhelds by end-2002; one with Bluetooth capability, one with WiFi and one with neither of these.

Insanely long link that was messing up the scrolling edited (http://blue.telecoms.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?GXHC_gx_session_id_=f90424d2e4a1a8fb&pagename=telecomsportal/render&var_element=content/article_simple&auth_pubcode=informatelecoms&var_article_id=1022156064610&display_channel=bluetooth&rdsl=true)

The e740 has already been Bluetooth Qualified:

Pocket PC e740 Series Toshiba Corporation Digital Media Network Company
TOSHIBA PDA based on Pocket PC.

PPC PDA's with Integrated Bluetooth:

Toshiba e740 Pocket PC

Fujitsu Siemens LOOX Pocket PC

Compaq iPAQ H3870 Pocket PC

Compaq iPAQ H3970 Pocket PC (400Mhz, 64MB)

05-29-2002, 06:05 PM

I spoke to a sales rep in HP in the UK. They claim the Jornada 928 will be released "within a few weeks" (in the UK). What does this mean ? Will the J928 ever make it to the US ? Am I dreaming ?



05-30-2002, 03:01 PM
I have been a silent observer to all of these forums and am surporised no one has ever mention Insight.com.


They are taking pre-orders - to go farther than Amazon, Expansys, et al - they quote you a prices. That makes me feel better when placing a order. I don't know, call me silly. :)

05-31-2002, 04:29 AM
Hi y'all

At least in Australia we're getting some firmer release dates out of HP rather than the resellers.


Problem is "next two to three months" is still a very rough estimate.

No suggestion of which processor though.