Andy Sjostrom
05-21-2002, 09:49 AM
<a href=""></a><br /><br />Michael van Oosten sent us this link a while ago. I returned to the article today and read it more carefully. Looks like Microsoft starts to align major development efforts outside the Mobility group with what's going on inside the Mobility group. This time it's the .NET Speech SDK that is available as a free beta to developers.<br /><br />"The .NET Speech SDK will support the SALT XML specification developed by the SALT Forum, a standards group formed by Microsoft, instead of VoiceXML, which is being developed by the World Wide Web Consortium. Though SALT supports much of the same functionality as VoiceXML, it has branched out from a telephone constrained model into a multi-modal approach where developers will be able to deploy speech applications to Web browsers, telephones, and mobile devices."<br /><br />I generally feel Microsoft should play with the others in the W3C. Hopefully, they will merge over time, or at least define integration mechanisms. My bet is a third party provider.<br /><br />This is the interesting part: "For now this Beta release will only support the desktop version of Internet Explorer and telephone access via a telephony emulator. Support for Pocket Internet Explorer for PDAs is to be released in the near term."<br /><br />I believe this is just the beginning of a new, higher level of coordination within Microsoft that will result in tighter and more efficient integration between their back office server and desktop products, and mobile products. Good news!