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View Full Version : U.S. Army selects Pocket PC, Odyssey Software and V-ONE

Andy Sjostrom
05-14-2002, 10:19 PM
<a href="http://www.odysseysoftware.com/press/05132002.html">http://www.odysseysoftware.com/press/05132002.html</a><br /><br />This is huge! I just heard about this outstanding Pocket PC win from <a href="http://www.odysseysoftware.com">Odyssey Software</a>, <b>the</b> leading provider of Enterprise middleware for mobile solutions. This press release talks about a "significant purchase of licenses by the U.S. Army's Automatic Identification Technology program office". I can tell you that this deal is in the tens-of-thousands of devices! More from the press release:<br /><br />" &amp;#8220;This purchase is the culmination of extensive technical evaluation by the PM-AIT office and the start of a multi-phase program,&amp;#8221; said Ann Scotti, Product Manager, AIT. &amp;#8220;The V-ONE products solve our critical need for FIPS 140-1 security for wireless applications and the Odyssey Software products have proven to be invaluable for quickly deploying mobile data access applications that easily integrate with our enterprise systems,&amp;#8221; continued Scotti. &amp;#8220;These technologies are now available through the PM-AIT office at the favorable negotiated pricing for all DoD programs that utilize Pocket PC and Windows CE based devices.&amp;#8221; A critical DoD application requirement is that mobile devices can seamlessly switch from wireless use to cradle connectivity. The AIT Acquisition Lab validated that the V-ONE and Odyssey products perform as required. Mobile data access products must conform to the DoD&amp;#8217;s Joint Technical Architecture (JTA) requirements for interoperability. The AIT Acquisition Lab confirmed that Odyssey&amp;#8217;s CEfusion and ViaXML products meet the JTA requirements to the maximum extent possible for Windows CE. &amp;#8220;We selected Odyssey Software&amp;#8217;s products because they deliver a proven and flexible platform for remote data access,&amp;#8221; said AIT&amp;#8217;s Miller. &amp;#8220;CEfusion and ViaXML speed mobile application development by enabling software developers to leverage their existing knowledge of standard Microsoft development tools and data access techniques,&amp;#8221; continued Miller. <br /><br />&amp;#8220;We appreciate the rigorous review that the AIT office conducted to validate that the combined technologies of V-ONE and Odyssey Software fully meet U.S. Army requirements for secure remote enterprise data access,&amp;#8221; commented Mark Gentile, Founder and CEO, Odyssey Software, Inc. &amp;#8220;Our remote data access products and V-ONE&amp;#8217;s security products are already used together in a number of DoD applications and we look forward to serving tens of thousands of new DoD mobile users,&amp;#8221; concluded Gentile."<br /><br />Congratulations to all parties involved, and if you are a developer like me I can recommend visiting Odyssey Software's site to learn more about their products!

Chris Forsberg
05-15-2002, 08:15 AM
This is truly HUGE! This is how Pocket PC will win - getting large enterprise wins. In the early days of the PC, large corporations/institutions that equipped their workforce with PCs was the forerunners of mass adoption. Congrats to the Odyssey team for an excellent "kill" and I wish news like this would spread more!