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View Full Version : Wireless firms squirm as FCC insists on follow rules

Jason Dunn
05-09-2002, 05:55 PM
<a href="http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/134449607_wirelesschanges07.html">http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/134449607_wirelesschanges07.html</a><br /><br />As the wireless and PDA industries converge, this is bound to have an effect on us all. Number portability would be excellent for consumers however - I'd switch to a GPRS plan today on a new carrier if I could keep my phone number.<br /><br />"After years of delay, federal regulators are digging in their heels and pushing initiatives that will require the wireless industry to spend billions of dollars to expand capacity and offer new services. The government mandates — which include a controversial airwave sale and a $1 billion telephone-number conservation plan — are likely to boost monthly bills and disrupt service for the nation's 135 million cellular subscribers. They also are likely to increase the red ink in a competitive wireless industry in which six national carriers are waging price wars amid slowing consumer demand...<br /><br />...Many industry executives and analysts said that integrating TV airwaves into new wireless service will be problematic, since carriers can't be certain when TV stations will move to different airwaves. And they warn that giving consumers the option to keep their phone numbers when they switch carriers could deepen the industry's financial woes by sending the industry's 30 percent customer-turnover rate even higher."