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View Full Version : Smaller fonts on pocket pc?

05-02-2002, 10:42 AM
Is there any way to replace the system font on Ipaq with a smaller one. I'm work with huge directory listings, and the possibility of getting more lines on screen at the same time would really be ideal for me.

Is this possible, say for example by fiddling around with the registers?

- jizmo

05-03-2002, 04:18 PM
Is there any way to replace the system font on Ipaq with a smaller one. I'm work with huge directory listings, and the possibility of getting more lines on screen at the same time would really be ideal for me.

Is this possible, say for example by fiddling around with the registers?

- jizmo

http://www.phm.lu/PocketPC/RegTweaks/Tweak.asp?ref=34 has some suggestions on how to do this.

05-03-2002, 04:31 PM
You can change the system font using StarTap from www.thumbsupsoft.com.

Lat year I even found a font somewhere designed for handhelds that went to a size 5 font, about half the current normal font size. It was way small yet still legible. Wish I could remember the link. I'll look around.