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View Full Version : C/C++ Compiler for the Pocket PC??

04-28-2002, 06:44 AM
I was wondering if it was even possible to get a C/C++ compiler and linker on a Pocket PC. I havnt gotten one but this would be one of the main things i would get it for so i wanna amke sure its possible. 8-)
If it can you put a link to a webpage where i can read about it.

04-29-2002, 02:23 PM
I was wondering if it was even possible to get a C/C++ compiler and linker on a Pocket PC. I havnt gotten one but this would be one of the main things i would get it for so i wanna amke sure its possible. 8-)
If it can you put a link to a webpage where i can read about it.

I believe that either Microsoft or Compaq has a free SDK for PocketPC. I don't have any URLs handy, but I know that a co-worker of mine has one installed, and it was free.

It runs on a desktop system, not directly on the PPC. You compile/link on the desktop and download to your PPC. If you have an NT-based system (NT 4.0, Win2000, WinXP) I believe you can even "emulate" the PPC on a window on your desktop, saving you the "download / run / debug" cycle a bit.

04-30-2002, 01:05 AM
AFAIK there isn't an onboard compiler available for the PPC> The closest thing you can get is here (http://www.orbworks.com/wince//url) but it isn't a true compiler. In fact I don't believe that there is a onboard compiler available for any handheld os including Palm or Symbian.

All of the development for a handheld usually takes place on a desktop and then runs on an emulator or onto the machine.

If you are simply interested in say Visual C++ there is a syntax aware editor available here (http://www.logicalsky.com/default.htm//url). I have never used it but it does look long in the tooth as it talks about PalmSize PC rather than Pocket PCs. If you are interested in it I could have a look at the demo for you.

Getting left field but there are ports of a variety of scripting lanquages including Perl.

What do you actually want to do?

EDIT Oh just thought you could run Linux on the IPAQ and you should then be able to use GCC but I don't know how far they have gotten in supporting tools in the Linux distro.

05-01-2002, 10:35 PM
I use PocketC. It runs pretty well, and i great for that quick-and-dirty app to just be used by yourself a few times. ;)
