Brad Adrian
04-15-2002, 05:37 PM
<a href=""></a><br /><br />Mobilearn has just announced the release of their new language translation phrasebook for the Pocket PC. What makes this different from other text-based phrasebooks is that when you locate the desired phrase, your Pocket PC then reads the phrase to you aloud.<br /><br /><img src="" /><br /><br />Available for translating English into four other languages, Outloud's key features are:<br /><br />• Brings French, German, Italian, and Spanish to life through Pocket PC audio, color, and interactivity <br />• Organized the way you speak: in complete phrases rather than isolated words <br />• Groups phrases in natural categories for easy visual navigation <br />• Includes the 400+ parallel French, German, Italian, and/or Spanish expressions most useful to business travelers and tourists <br />• Displays English phrases by topic or alphabetically <br />• Quickly finds all the English entries that contain the words or characters you're searching for <br />• Instantly shows the written French, German, Italian, or Spanish translation of any chosen English phrase <br />• Speaks the translated phrase out loud in a clear native voice<br /><br />Individual languages and a four-language version are available. The MP3-format files are pretty big (the four-language version requires 34 MB), but it could be just the thing for travelers. <br /><br />I wonder if Mobilearn is planning an English-to-teenager version anytime soon?