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View Full Version : Differences between 3800 series

04-14-2002, 09:02 PM
I'm in the market to purchase a PocketPC. I'm pretty sure I want to go with an IPaq in the 3800 series.

I can get a pretty good deal on the H3835, approx. $100 off. Is there any reason I shouldn't go for it??
What advantages does the 3850 have over the 3835?
What does the 3870 offer, besides bluetooth, over the 3835? the 3850?

The way I see it I can take the deal on the 3835 and purchase a Bluetooth card if I ever desire the need for one. Thoughts?

Sanjay Srikonda
04-15-2002, 03:26 PM

I just went through this confusion myself. Turns out the 3850 is the number designated for the units bought directly from compaq and 3835 are the numbers to indicate any other retailer.

I just had my 3835 replaced after a week bc of the bad backlight issue, and they (Compaq tech services) sent me a 3850. Funny thing is, i've noticed that it (3850) is faster, the stylus lock is more firm, and the unit on first connection found my Outlook and synced with it immediately. When I tried to sync my 3835 unit with outlook, I never could do it.

interesting thing, if they're both the same, how come the 3850 synced on first connection with no finagling from me, and my 3835 which is being picked up today by Compaq's designated courier, couldn't?

Oh, one other thing that is different is the software bundled on the CD-ROM, there's definitely different software between the 3835/50. The woman from Compaq made a point in telling me that I should keep my original CD since the software is different.

Interesting, you buy from Compaq, you get more software, you buy from a retailer/etailer, you get lesser software.

Wonder why that is?

04-16-2002, 12:05 AM
Actually the H3850 is distributed by internet/online store. The H3835 is distributed through retail stores. They are the same physical unit. The H3835 does have an extra program on the CD called PeaceMaker that allows you to beam data between a Pocket PC and a Palm.

We carry both models. We have the H3835 on sale right now for $554.95 (list is $599). We have the H3850 for $599.

The only difference between the H3870 and the H3835/H3850 is the bluetooth. The H3870 comes with the cd that comes with the H3850.

Hope this helps.


04-16-2002, 05:58 AM
I just had my 3835 replaced after a week bc of the bad backlight issue, and they (Compaq tech services) sent me a 3850. Funny thing is, i've noticed that it (3850) is faster, the stylus lock is more firm, and the unit on first connection found my Outlook and synced with it immediately. When I tried to sync my 3835 unit with outlook, I never could do it.

How did you get Compaq to replace your unit? Mine has backlight issues and I tried to get them to send me a replacement and I would just send them mine, but they said they couldn't do it. Who did you have to sleep with and what's their number?

04-16-2002, 06:13 AM
Thanks everyone for the info. I think I'm going to go with the 3835 since I can get it for $100 less then anywhere else (gotta love employee discounts). I presently have no need for blue tooth, provided that I do come across this need approx. how much should I expect to spend on a Bluetooth compact flash or PCMCIA card?

04-16-2002, 06:22 AM
Funny thing is, i've noticed that it (3850) is faster, the stylus lock is more firm, and the unit on first connection found my Outlook and synced with it immediately. When I tried to sync my 3835 unit with outlook, I never could do it.

I have noticed subtle differences like the firmness of the stylus lock between my 3835 and my friend’s, which leaves me to believe that instead of it varying through model numbers, it varies from unit to unit.

Also, mine syncs fine with outlook... But computers can be the oddest devices...

Sanjay Srikonda
04-16-2002, 10:15 PM
I ended up doing a lot of comparison shopping, no, this isn't a refurbished unit. I just did my due diligence in shopping and refusing to pay more than I should.

Some of the best sites to do online shopping are:


I also did searches using Google.

04-18-2002, 02:34 AM
Does anybody know exactly what the software differences are between the 3850 & the 3835 ?

05-05-2002, 07:17 AM
I just got my 3835 replaced with a 3850 because of backlight issues, but, I noticed that the backup/restore program included in active sync wouldn't work across the two different model numbers. I called Compaq tech support and they said there was nothing they could do about it.