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View Full Version : Phillip Torrone On The Future

Brad Adrian
04-12-2002, 05:55 PM
<a href="http://www.newriders.com/promos/index08.asp">http://www.newriders.com/promos/index08.asp</a><br /><br />New Riders, a publishing company that focuses on creative and information technologies, has posted an interview with "Mr. Flash" himself, Phillip Torrone. In it, Phillip outlines what he thinks the future holds for content delivery via wireless devices.<br /><br />"Content is king; it'll drive adoption for wireless networks as well as specific devices. But it's not a shotgun of content like the Web; it's a slightly more measured approach with usability and branding. The tools that will be used are cheaper, deeper, richer and approachable by designers as well as developers. In the last 2 years we've been in "slingshot mode", completely pulling back, building up potential energy, building the "pipes" or networks, devices, tools and infrastructure. Now and the next 2 years is the release..."<br /><br />The clear, "Q&A" format of this article makes it a great, easy-to-follow read. If wireless content is at all interesting to you, take a look.