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View Full Version : Fido launches $50 flat rate GPRS plan

Jason Dunn
04-12-2002, 12:34 AM
<a href="http://www.fidobusiness.ca/pccard.php">http://www.fidobusiness.ca/pccard.php</a><br /><br />It's live! Fido has launched their $50 CND ($33 US) per month flat-rate GPRS plan. Although indications are that you need to buy the PCMCIA card, I've been told by two people now that you don't - you can insist you want the plan tacked on to your Fido phone plan and you're rocking. The plan is locked in for 12 months, so this is a stable offer. Now if only they had a Bluetooth phone...I'm very tempted to go find a non-SIM-locked T68!

04-12-2002, 12:46 AM
The P280 is sort of okay, cheapest one they have too (if you're a long time Fido customer, you can call them up and negotiate a better price for fones, in case you didn't know), but it is buggy as heck.

The fone that catches my eye these days are some of the new Seimens models, but also if only they'd come out with those 8200 or 8300 fones from Nokia that were global triband with GPRS, I'd be very happy.

Bonus with the P280: it includes the $90 USB cable for notebook connectivity. AND... you can get an iPaq cable for it too. Which is good, since the buggy IR in the P280 won't work with iPaqs currently.

I mainly use the GPRS for my notebooks (still waiting for Mac OSX to be supported, but some helpful fellow has written a OS 9.x version of the Motorola drivers, since Motorola themselves can't be bothered). It works almost flawlessly with a WinXP Thinkpad... if you can find a Fido GPRS connection. It is sometimes spotty.

I did manage one solitary connection on my iPaq the day I got GPRS, but it hasn't worked since. :(

04-12-2002, 01:53 AM
This is part of the reason why I stay in Canada. LOL :)


The page says "Limited time offer. No contract to sign."

So, I guess a contract isn't required.

I have a T39 phone, and when I get my Fujitsu Pocket PC. I'll be rocking...

Rob Borek
04-12-2002, 02:40 AM
Rogers AT&T Wireless is offering the same thing, but I'm pretty sure a contract is required.

04-12-2002, 07:15 AM
Rogers AT&T Wireless is offering the same thing, but I'm pretty sure a contract is required.

Rogers will... GET THIS... match the offer for the first 6 months IF you sign a 2 year contract.. huh? Sounds like a deal to me.

04-12-2002, 07:18 AM
Rogers AT&T Wireless is offering the same thing, but I'm pretty sure a contract is required.

Rogers will... GET THIS... match the offer for the first 6 months IF you sign a 2 year contract.. huh? Sounds like a deal to me.

One more thing, from their site "Data access plans are available on a one year subscription period. Bonus! For a limited time, receive six months of unlimited wireless Internet access when you subscribe to the $50 Data Access Plan! But hurry, this promotional plan is avaiilable for purchase until May 31, 2002 only." It's a one year contract (not two) and the purchase price of the card if $599 (not $525 like FIDO).