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View Full Version : I have to ask, how come DreamPages' are overpriced?

Sanjay Srikonda
04-05-2002, 09:02 PM
Ok, so I tried to ask this question in the appropriate directory, but couldn't apparently only moderators can post there.

This isn't a flame, but i did my fair share of online shopping, i searched and took about 3 days' worth of online searching and found my Ipaq 3835 for $499 plus $19 shipping (overnight) and got it a few days ago.

Yet, i see it being sold by Dreampages for $559.95. List price is $599.95. Good thru 3/26 (while supplies last).

that's a bit high isn't it?

Has anyone else done some comparison shopping and found this to be true?

Like I said, this is NOT a flame, only a question about how come Dreampages' prices seem to be higher than most and they're selling here?

Jason Dunn
04-11-2002, 03:12 AM
Prices are fluid things - different companies have different buying power. Huge retailers like Buy.com can get things in bulk for cheaper than a smaller vendor can. Certain products are high-margain, certain products aren't - there's no such thing as a "fair price" in the market, since everyone charges what they think will make them a profit and still sell.

We have several affiliate partners, so you can buy from whoever, or not at all. Your call! :-)

Sanjay Srikonda
04-11-2002, 01:21 PM
If these guys are "affiliates" of the site then you'd expect some sort of special pricing. I did some comparison shopping, I bought my current Ipaq 3835 for $499 from another online company. There was no mystery there, I did some comparison shopping for other components Dreampages offers, and they (Dreampages) was at least $50-70 more than other sites.

No, I didn't buy from a major large retailer like Buy.com, it was a standalone retailer, no big buying power, they apparently were more competitively priced. I just happened to click Dreampages BECAUSE it was featured as a "partner" to PPC Thoughts. I figured if I could support the site then that would be great. But I can't see supporting the site by buying from affiliated partners if their prices are just not competitive.