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View Full Version : More info on Pocket LOOX

03-24-2002, 10:28 AM
Some hands-on info on InfoSync at http://www.infosync.no/show.php?id=1606&page=6


07-11-2002, 10:54 AM
I'm new in this forum and never used a PPC before... So I got this silli question..

Is it possible to change language on the LOOX?
It's cheaper to buy it from Germany than here in Norway, but the german webshop thinks it's impossible to change the language... :(

07-11-2002, 05:00 PM
Is it possible to change language on the LOOX?
It's cheaper to buy it from Germany than here in Norway, but the german webshop thinks it's impossible to change the language... :(

Theoretically, is it possible in the PocketPC 2002 PDAs. But, realistically, - Sorry, not possible.

The language is intimately tied to the installed OS - it is not a separate module. You would have to get a Norwegian version of the PocketPC OS and, as far as I know, no vendor sells just the OS.


07-11-2002, 05:02 PM
Ok, I see...

Thanks for the reply :D

10-25-2002, 08:47 PM
ive just recently got my loox, a wk only n fact.
ive been tinkering wt it 24/7 tho, and my friends been helping, shes got clie. i wanted 2 get arabic on the pda 2 c wat it was like, so i downloaded it from www.penreader.com, and the arabic is v cool, altho only works in keyboard format. however, it changed my clock settings and i couldnt set the time or date, which wasnt so good. also theres a constant reminder that its just a demo. but i assume if u get the english from the website it wont do anything on ur clock bcoz numbers rnt any different, and seeing as its new, if the english programme doesnt work, u could always reset it, like i did bcoz i cant fix clock settings.

10-26-2002, 10:19 AM
raimik: thanks for the info and the link :D