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View Full Version : Site Suggestion: Remove the Hardware Discussion segregation

03-14-2002, 09:45 PM
Hello all,

In essence, I'm suggesting a removal of the Hardware Discussion segregation for two reasons:

1) Pocketpcthoughts should be more about general issues than a support-related forum. Hardware segregated discussions are logical in a more support-style forum (Brighthand, Pocketpcpassion, Pocketnow, etc) - whereas it's illogical when most of what we talk about has to do with where the PDA/PocketPC is going, trends, new technology, and thoughts about current technology and how it could be improved/extended, etc. Am I right? Do many people come here for specific hardware support? Looking at the volume of postings in the "Hardware Discussion" section, it doesnt look like it.

2) Pocketpcthoughts should play to it's strengths. If you accept 1), you must realize that there are better places for device support - why waste the resources in duplicating it here when other forums have a larger database of support related items? On the flipside, we have the opportunity to talk about more general issues which would be drowned in any of the other popular forums (in all the "how do i do..." and "my PPC is better than yours..." type postings). I realize that appealing to a larger segment of people brings in a bigger audience, but I contend that quality>quantity. By keeping the spirit of the boards more linked to the spirit of the website, I think that we can build a place unique amongst pocketpc website/forums.

What are your thoughts?


Jason Dunn
03-15-2002, 07:01 PM
Some interesting thoughts! Thanks for sharing them.

It's too early to decide the fate of those forums, but I do generally agree with what you're saying. I would put forth, however, that just because there are other sites like Brighthand and Pocket PC Passion out there that it doesn't mean people have to go there to discuss things - I'd like to see them stay here, hence the added forums. :-)