Tycho Morgan
03-12-2002, 04:17 AM
<a href="http://www.writingonyourpalm.net/column020311.htm">http://www.writingonyourpalm.net/column020311.htm</a><br /><br />It's Monday, and that means Jeff Kirvin has written another column at <a href="http://www.writingonyourpalm.com">Writing on your Palm</a>. This week he takes a look at the Toshiba e570, and while he seems to like the device, I doubt it'll supplant his Jornada. The truth is that it's a roughly comparable device with the except that its battery life is a little poorer, and there isn't a stowaway available for it yet which for people like Jeff and I is a major draw back. But don't take my word for it, read the article for yourself. <br /><br />"I recently got a Toshiba e570 from my friends at Microsoft to review, and I have to admit, I'm impressed. While this unit has a few flaws, it's a solid addition to the Pocket PC family, and I could see it being the perfect device for a lot of people, particularly former Palm users transitioning over from the Palm V or m500 lines."