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View Full Version : How can u make Task to alert/ring during a specific time

03-06-2002, 09:41 AM
I wonder how come in the task, we cannot state the time that the alert will be beeping. Or is there a software out there that enchance the build-in task application?



03-07-2002, 11:54 AM

I don't know about a way of making the internal task-application ringing at a specified time :( . But there is a great add-on which can do it :lol: - I'm talking about Agenda Fusion by DeveloperOne (http://www.developerone.com/pocketpc/fusion). Here you can specifiy any time for an alarm. I use this tool and think it is one of the best I could find so far.



12-11-2002, 07:44 PM
I use Pocket Informant to do this. You can set alarms on Tasks and Appointments for any time you want, not just the default 8AM.

Sven Johannsen
12-11-2002, 11:30 PM
Just keep in mind that any of the 3rd party programs that allow varied times on Task alarms must do it outside the normal data set that gets sync'd in tasks. That just means time entered on the PPC won't be sync'd to the PC, and PC task alarm times won't be sync'd to the PPC. Just be aware of this, so it doesn't bite you.