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View Full Version : Should I buy a Palm or a Pocket PC?

03-05-2002, 09:42 PM
I am interested in a handheld computer device, mainly to store notes, to play chess, etc.. Obviously a Palm is cheaper and is the logical choice. However, I am intrigued by the Pocket PC and the potential functions it might have. If I can do other things with it such as play mp3s, play better games, or run my own software, I'd be impressed and might consider buying one instead of a Palm.

Can you describe in a nutshell the advantages of a Pocket PC over a Palm and what factors I might consider in making my decision. Thanks!

03-10-2002, 01:55 AM
I own both a PPC 2002 device (a Jornada 568) and a Palm OS device (a Clie 710). Aside from the usual notetaking and PIM functions, which I think both devices do equally well, I use my PDA for reading in those spare moments waiting for meetings to start, etc. I find my Jornada much better than my Clie, especially when it comes to PDF documents.

The only Palm OS devices that come close to the PPCs are the Clies, which tend to be the most expensive Palm OS devices. You should go to your local Best Buy (CompUSA, etc.) and try a couple of devices side-by-side.