Hi folks,
I just discovered this forum discussing my FlashAssist software :D. I'll try to answer a couple of questions. There's actually two things: FlashAssist and FlashAssist PRO. Both solve several problems with using Flash files in IE.
FlashAssist is a Pocket PC application that lets you open Flash content in three window sizes, including fullscreen mode. The latest version allows you to open Flash files located anywhere on your PPC, including storage cards. In fact, you can create shortcuts to your Flash files to open them with one tap in any window size. It's free for individual use and I offer licensing if you want to bundle it and distribute it with your Flash content.
FlashAssist PRO is an AppWizard for eMbedded Visual C++ that I sell. Answer a couple questions and the wizard spits out a ready to compile C++ project "wrapper" application (aka projector) for your Flash content. It also generates batch files for creating CAB files and a PC installer. You can go from Flash files to installable Pocket PC app in about 5-10 minutes.
So, FlashAssist is a good solution for making your Flash files more application-like with "no code". If you're comfortable with C++, FlashAssist PRO saves you a lot of time coding and debugging but lets you tweak the C++ code as you like.
I have a freeware game at my site called Missiles that is an example of a fullscreen app created with FlashAssist PRO and written entirely in Flash and HTML. Another example, a guitar tuner app, can be found at http://www.halogenworks.com/downloads.asp
You can find FlashAssist and PRO at:
Missiles game at:
Docs for creating FlashAssist shortcuts at:
I hope this helps, if you have other questions, please post or write to
[email protected]