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View Full Version : Adding flash content to your device made easy

Ed Hansberry
02-28-2002, 12:14 AM
<a href="http://www.antmobile.com/">http://www.antmobile.com/</a><br /><br />Looks like this is the week of flash news. :-)<br /><br />Ant Moblie has created two pieces of software to make it easier to get flash content from your PC to your Pocket PC, bypassing some of the restrictions Pocket IE imposes. "FlashAssist PRO is now available. Also available is a new Version 1.0 of FlashAssist. Both allow you to run Pocket PC Flash content in three different window sizes, including full-screen -- and FlashAssist PRO allows you to turn your Flash content into an installable Pocket PC application."

02-28-2002, 03:42 AM
I have been using ANT Flash Assist for a while now. It works great!!! I actually am developing a Flash Pocket web site with the premise of using ANT software to run the site in an optimized form.

Good Stuff. Good Stuff!

02-28-2002, 07:49 AM
This is great!!
Is there a way for it to find the My Documents folder on my Microdrive?
I have all my Flash content stored there.

Ian Chia
02-28-2002, 12:01 PM
For your interest, my book Flash eGear will actually teach developers how to create these projectors using Microsoft eMbedded Visual Basic or eMbedded Visual C++.

I post some screenshots of promo apps we'll be releasing in the next couple of months to whet people's appetite for the book in another thread on these forums here:

(near the bottom of the page)

And of course, Flash eGear can be found here:


Flash developers specifically interested in Pocket PC development can also often find lively discussion going on at the macromedia.flash.handhelds newsgroup. Web interface to the forums here:



- Ian

Ed Hansberry
02-28-2002, 02:08 PM
This is great!!
Is there a way for it to find the My Documents folder on my Microdrive?
I have all my Flash content stored there.

If you didn't have a My Docs file on your MD when you stuck it in your iPAQ, the iPAQ created an Ignore_my_docs hidden file. Create a \My Documents\ folder, then delete that hidden file from Windows Explorer.

02-28-2002, 05:16 PM
anthony from antmobile.com emailed me back and had this to say:

You can do this now using command line options and shortcuts in version 1.0.
The file browser inside the application still supports only the main My
Documents folder.

See the documentation page for how to create shortcuts to files anywhere on your Pocket PC.

03-01-2002, 07:18 AM
Hi folks,

I just discovered this forum discussing my FlashAssist software :D. I'll try to answer a couple of questions. There's actually two things: FlashAssist and FlashAssist PRO. Both solve several problems with using Flash files in IE.

FlashAssist is a Pocket PC application that lets you open Flash content in three window sizes, including fullscreen mode. The latest version allows you to open Flash files located anywhere on your PPC, including storage cards. In fact, you can create shortcuts to your Flash files to open them with one tap in any window size. It's free for individual use and I offer licensing if you want to bundle it and distribute it with your Flash content.

FlashAssist PRO is an AppWizard for eMbedded Visual C++ that I sell. Answer a couple questions and the wizard spits out a ready to compile C++ project "wrapper" application (aka projector) for your Flash content. It also generates batch files for creating CAB files and a PC installer. You can go from Flash files to installable Pocket PC app in about 5-10 minutes.

So, FlashAssist is a good solution for making your Flash files more application-like with "no code". If you're comfortable with C++, FlashAssist PRO saves you a lot of time coding and debugging but lets you tweak the C++ code as you like.

I have a freeware game at my site called Missiles that is an example of a fullscreen app created with FlashAssist PRO and written entirely in Flash and HTML. Another example, a guitar tuner app, can be found at http://www.halogenworks.com/downloads.asp

You can find FlashAssist and PRO at:
Missiles game at:
Docs for creating FlashAssist shortcuts at:

I hope this helps, if you have other questions, please post or write to [email protected]