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View Full Version : GPS for PocketPC II

02-16-2002, 03:04 AM

Using a GPS in a iPAQ could be useful and fun.The problem is that most
reviews about this Hardware and Software
doesn't focus to the real needs and the costs associated to use these
I would like to have a GPS device that I can handle easily and costs low. So
I send to Pretec the text that fallows with
an idea,( perhaps not original or practical...) but it's an idea...
I just think we have to do some more to give a push to that technology and
not to pay the costs of missing integration.

Jose Port <<Pretec.doc>>

02-16-2002, 03:27 AM
Dale? If you are reffering to Dale Coffing you are at the wrong site. Dale's site is www.pocketpcpassion.com. And that attached document doesn't show up on this board, you'll have to copy it if you want us to be able read it. :?

02-16-2002, 03:52 AM
Thanks for your TIP.
Now, if you can read and understant the idea ,as posted,you can be
the 2º to understant what I mean .

02-16-2002, 03:56 AM
Thanks for your TIP.
Now, if you can read and understant the idea ,as posted,you can be
the 2º to understant what I mean .

Oh, I get the idea totally. But since some of the words are miss-spelled it is kinda hard to understand.

Jason Dunn
02-16-2002, 03:56 AM

02-16-2002, 09:32 PM
GPS is a topic I want to discuss.... What is this nonsense?

I really like the idea of a CF based GPS device and good mapping software. Has anyone done a thorough review of GPS hardware? Are any compatible with PocketStreets? Do they have external antenae options?

02-16-2002, 09:47 PM
Well to tell you the truth JonnoB, I'm not sure what this nonsense is!

But the following is a link to a page with GPS systems that are compatible with Pocket Streets- http://www.mobileplanet.com/private/pocketpc/listing.asp?cat%5Fid=&cat%5Fname=&pdept%5Fid=200206&dept%5Fid=2310&dept%5Fname=

I have not seen a thorough review and comparison anywhere, maybe someone else can help you out on that. Best of luck!