Jason Dunn
02-12-2002, 10:03 PM
Remember the Vovid I <a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=68">posted about last week?</a> I received an email from Vovid's marketing manager with some interesting bits of information:<br /><br />"Thank you very much for your efforts in featuring VOVID on your website. We are in the final stages of development for VOVID, which includes our efforts to license PPC 2002 O/S. Although we did not intend on marketing our product until we had working samples, we have had tremendous interest in VOVID from people who had learned about it from your site and others similar to yours. <br /><br />We expect to have some working samples in the next month. For the interim, it will run out Win CE 3.0 until PPC 2002 license is secured. I hope to provide you with a sample of VOVID, so that you may test and review it. In terms of the price.... We probably won't be able to release that information until April or so. However, I can assure you that it will be less expensive than other PPC devices, with similar spec's, plus wireless LAN..."<br /><br />802.11b integrated and it will be LESS expensive than other products? Awesome! I look forward to checking this device out in person...