RickP in AZ
02-12-2002, 09:38 PM
Folks, I am a man on a quest... The slow speed of iTask in PPC2002 is getting to me and I find myself longing for the simplicity of the good, old QMenu for task management.
Could someone who is still running PPC2000 extract the original files for all the "Q-stuff" and email it to me? It has been a while so I can't remember the names of all the files involved but here goes: QStart.exe, QLuanch.exe, QUtilities.exe & QUtility.exe
An anonymous poster on PocketNow claims to have them but I have no idea if he will listen to my pleas.
If anyone has the files please email them to [email protected]
(PS Yes, I've posted this on just about every board as I *really* want to run both QMenu and iTask.)
RickP in AZ
Could someone who is still running PPC2000 extract the original files for all the "Q-stuff" and email it to me? It has been a while so I can't remember the names of all the files involved but here goes: QStart.exe, QLuanch.exe, QUtilities.exe & QUtility.exe
An anonymous poster on PocketNow claims to have them but I have no idea if he will listen to my pleas.
If anyone has the files please email them to [email protected]
(PS Yes, I've posted this on just about every board as I *really* want to run both QMenu and iTask.)
RickP in AZ