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View Full Version : :?: Lack of landscape awarness...

02-06-2002, 07:33 PM

I was wondering why more PocketPC software was not Landscape aware. I find certain programs much easier to use in landscape mode (using NYDITOT on my iPaq), and was pondering why more program authors don't compensate for the screen size/orientation when showing their screens.

It's especially annoying when a dialog box pops up when in landscape mode which does not allow the OK/CANCEL to be reached. Another anoyance is the top and bottom bars now take up proportionally more space. It would be nice to split the top bar in two and add the bottom bar functions to this new 'SuperBar'...

Applications that benifit from landscape mode are any that use handwriting imput using Transcriber or Calligrapher (such as Word), which are simply transformed when the display is rotated.

I understand PocketPC was a portrait format, but why the restriction. I have a 17" LCD using Pivot software, but I switch orentations depending on what I'm doing... And due to the screen size nothing is a problem.

Just my 2c.

02-07-2002, 08:15 AM
I'd like to see some programs with the leftie in mind. Scroll bars are a pain when they are on the right side!! I'd love to have programs or a hack that could enable one to switch the scroll bar to left or right side! :evil:

02-07-2002, 04:30 PM
Well, as much as it pains me to say this: it's a right man's world. Most people are right handed, so most software developers cater for that group only. There's already loads of bugs in most software, so adding a mode that switches certain items might potentially screw up your entire device; considering there would be lots of tweaking involved.

Of course, you're welcome to try it yourself, which is just about the only option to get things done in PPC software country. :roll:

eric linsley
03-08-2002, 03:17 AM
Our nbest bet to see this becoming more popular wil be when landscape software becomes standard or included wiwth the PPC