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View Full Version : Capturing Video in Vista

01-31-2008, 07:50 PM
Okay, here is my problem. About a month ago I tried to capture the video on my JVC digital video camera on my new Dell 1420 laptop with Vista. There is no problem with the camera since I used my g/f's XP system to capture the same video after many failed attempts with vista.

The Dell recognizes the camera, that doesn't seem to be an issue. The issue is that when I use a program to capture the video I get no video. I get an error telling that no frames were captured. I have tried Adobe Premiere Elements 6 (the newest one, not sure if 6 is right.) I have used Nero Ultra (newest one) and the Windows Movie Maker in Vista. I get the same error when trying to capture.

I have tried the Dell forums trying to see if it was a Hardware issue but it seems to be Vista. I have looked around and around and can't seem to find the answer.

My 1420 has 2 gigs or ram, 2.2ghz dual core, 250 gig HD with 180gig free, 128MB video card, dvd burner.

The specs wouldn't be holding me back. Is it Vista? Anyone have a clue?

I never had a problem with my XP machine!!! :(