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View Full Version : Most Bizarre Thing at CES 2008? The NJOY Electronic Cigarette

Jason Dunn
01-19-2008, 12:00 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=9XUD9lwgQYQ' target='_blank'>http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=9XUD9lwgQYQ</a><br /><br /></div><em>&quot;Video demo of NJOY nicotine vaporization technology that provides simulated smoking experience without the carcinogens generated by burning tobacco in traditional cigarettes and cigars. TSA approved and theoretically legal to use on airplanes.&quot;</em><br /><br><embed width="425" height="355" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/9XUD9lwgQYQ&amp;rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"></embed><br /><br />My buddy Jake managed to find, bar none, the strangest thing I think I've ever heard of at CES: electronic pseudo-cigarettes. Just a little Friday off-topic fun for you all - have a great weekend!

01-21-2008, 06:24 AM

This is really bizarre and somewhat disturbing, actually. So why is this product at this conference? Is this typical for CES, because it really is not an electronic device, per se, but a pharmacologic delivery system.

Nicotine is not a harmless substance. It is used as a pesticide commercially, for example. It can kill you, and I fear that a product like this would increase the likelihood that too much nicotine could be absorbed at a time. Nevermind the fact that prolonged use causes an increase in LDL ("bad") cholesterol, an independent risk factor for heart disease. It can also cause palpitations and seizures (not typically, mind you). Oh, what else, oh yeah... it's freaking addictive!!! I am ignoring the more positive effects like appetite suppression, possible memory improvement, increase in metabolic rate and relaxation, but the positive features are largely held hostage by overwhelming negative features.

If it sounds like I am scolding, it is because I am. Keep in mind that I am not referring to the harmful effects of smoking or chewing tobacco, but to the nicotine alone. CES has no business allowing these folks to their trade show. Maybe there is a side to CES that I do not know about, so I apologize for any naïvity here. Let's face it, the makers of this device can parade their cause as a smoking cessation aid, but what they really want is to get people hooked so their product becomes the new cigarette, a sanitary version of the original. Which essentially makes CES a pusher. Anyone who was at CES... what is their sense of this booth?


aka Dr. Dennis Hayes
Family Physician
Cochrane, Alberta

Jason Dunn
01-21-2008, 08:10 PM
Is this typical for CES, because it really is not an electronic device, per se, but a pharmacologic delivery system.

It's definitely not typical for CES, but I don't think CES turns down many people/companies who are willing to pay for the floor space. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think you have to worry about this product catching on - it's completely bizarre and I only posted about it because I found it hilarious. :D

03-31-2008, 09:37 AM
First off-- the e-cigarette uses a microprocessor to activate an atomizer that creates the vapor nicotine fog. Secondly, I really think people need to chill out on the OMG its nicotine rants:eek:. This may just be one of the most useful and beneficial products that trapped-smokers can benefit from since they invented quitting cold-turkey. Imagine this being a concrete substitute for traditional cigarettes:rolleyes:. With no carcinogens, and in fact, the ATF and FDA have stated there is no reason this product warrants the attention of their agencies, imagine how many deaths per year could be avoided with this product, if it is actually a good substitute. If it is similar enough to get people off traditional cigarettes and on something much less harmful, in fact, they are many orders of magnitude less harmful, it probably has more right to be at CES than any other product out on that showroom floor. Think about the big picture before ranting and raving about OMG nicotine, get an exorcist, the devil be here (yes, that is an incredibly loaded sentence). Non-smokers... keep quiet. This product doesn't concern you. Your opinion is not necessary and since you know nothing about cigarette addiction, you have nothing insightful or beneficial to contribute; stay out of it (that is analogous to me discussing the merits of tampons, even if my girlfriend uses them). The product has no effect on you; it smells pleasant if anything; therefore, you can just relax and enjoy the show. Let the smokers worrying about future health concerns discuss the merits of an e-cigarette. So, while you sip your caffeine-rich starbucks coffee and complain about nicotine (this is what I call irony), consider the real crux of this issue. 1. The product uses a microprocessor and 2. Has a potential benefit the likes of which we have not seen in decades. Out of kindness, I will not get into the economics of e-cigarettes and the implications it has for healthcare and insurance costs. There, i'm done. I had to get in on this. Some people have a real narrow frame of thought and need a nudge towards a greater depth of thought and reason. An Aside: I have no financial interest in e-cigarettes whatsoever. :cool: one more aside: Yes, i am smarter than you; its just the way it is.

05-12-2008, 03:53 PM
:cool: one more aside: Yes, i am smarter than you; its just the way it is.

what a way to end a post, i was laughing my butt off!

i hope that the product can help those who have become slaves to nicotine and i hope the company the manufactures the e-cigarette will make it afforable for them to do so.

05-12-2008, 11:27 PM
This has been quite popular in The Netherlands (My home country) for a while now due to new public smoking regulations. But rather than providing a non-toxic smoking device, it would seem it's a good way to quit smoking as well.

Because the nicotine capsules contain anywhere from 10 to 20 "doses" you're never quite sure how much nicotine you're actually putting into your body unless you remove the capsule.

Due to this, people smoke more in the first weeks of their purchase, becoming satisfied much quicker. Also, there aren't any added components such as tar, making you dislike the smell of ashtrays and regular smoke.

And yes, I've managed to kick the (bad) habit due to one of these!

Jason Dunn
05-12-2008, 11:45 PM
And yes, I've managed to kick the (bad) habit due to one of these!

Well that's great news! :)

05-13-2008, 01:19 AM
As bizaar as it is, I think it will bring hope to those that really want to quit smoking. I think the idea is a kick but idea and commend them on their efforts to try something new.

05-13-2008, 07:18 AM
For me, this thing might help those who REALLY want to give up smoking as much as the nicotine patches available before did - I admit that this vaporizer it's better with one's health though. I'm saying this because I had an experience with one of my friends that tried to give it up but it failed due to the stress he was in at the time at work and due to not believing in its strengths to be capable and renounce. He tried several times to give up smoking (I remember minimum 4) but no success till now. I'll tell him about this as soon as we meet again

05-15-2008, 04:40 PM
unlike the patches and the chewing gum, the e-cig appears to give the user access to nicotine while also allowing them to participate in the associated "hand to mouth" ritual.

addiction is an odd thing and when your body associates the pleasure it gets from the nicotine with the physical gesturing used when smoking it would not be hard to believe there is a psychological connection that takes place between the two events that intertwines them. the patch and gum can not satisfy a smoker in the same way that a pseudo cig can in my opinion.

would be interesting to hear what others think...

05-16-2008, 06:06 AM
unlike the patches and the chewing gum, the e-cig appears to give the user access to nicotine while also allowing them to participate in the associated "hand to mouth" ritual.

***long quote trimmed by mod JD***

Smoking is for a large part very psychological, especially if you've been doing it for a longer period of time. I started carrying toothpicks with me after I didn't have the nicotine craving anymore. Else I just have the feeling there's something missing and the "I know I was supposed to do something" feeling.

With toothpicks I distract the brain from sending those signals, because there already is something in my mouth, can't have two things in there!

05-19-2008, 06:40 PM
With toothpicks I distract the brain from sending those signals, because there already is something in my mouth, can't have two things in there!

interesting, ive heard of lollipops but never toothpicks.

i havn't had a cigarette since last october (rarely smoked unless shooting dice at the casino). i hope the e cig can help lots of those who are ready to quit for good.