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View Full Version : The Godfather File Manager

Suhit Gupta
01-16-2008, 03:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://users.forthnet.gr/the/jtclipper/' target='_blank'>http://users.forthnet.gr/the/jtclipper/</a><br /><br /></div><p><em>&quot;Do you own mp3 files ? How about ogg, mpc, ape, flac, aac, apl, wv, mp4, ofr, or spx files ? Do you have a lot of them? If yes, then you probably already know that it is easier to create a chaotic budge of files with strange names and in wrong locations than to have a clean and nice collection where every file is where it is supposed to be, with a perfect name and Tag information. Sounds like the truth... don't worry The GodFather is here to put order to chaos and put you in control.No more strange file names and endless search for &quot;that song&quot;! Rename,update Tags,restructure files on hard disk, create/merge play lists,encode-decode with LAME/Ogg Vorbis/MpcEnc, export/import to/from file, play, use freedb.org &amp; allmusic.com, catalog them in a library... with ease of use and perfect results every time.&quot;</em></p><p><img border="0" src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com/resizer/thumbs/size/500/dht/auto/1200463870.usr14.jpg" alt="" /></p><p>The Godfather is really appropriately named. Just <a href="http://ttp://users.forthnet.gr/the/jtclipper/features.html" target="_blank">check out the features page</a> - there are just an insane number of things one do with files here. I have an absolute ton of mp3s, oggs and wavs from over the years and have been pretty good about cataloging them into folders properly (wish I had done the same with my photos, but that's for a different rant). This app though takes cataloging music to a whole different level. Check it out.</p>