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View Full Version : Connective Tools updated Alarm Master and Call Jockey for WM smartphones

Connective Tools
12-25-2007, 05:43 PM
Connective Tools updates two utilities for WM5 and WM6 smartphones:

Alarm Master v.3.01 - is a useful and easy to use utility that helps to manage personal alarms on your smartphone. This version successfully passed "Designed for Windows Mobile" logo testing. In addition to small interface improvements, German language support was added.
(New Update, Trial version available, http://www.connectivetools.com/alarmmaster.html)

http://www.connectivetools.com/img/alarmmaster1.gif http://www.connectivetools.com/img/alarmmaster2.gif

Call Jockey v.1.2 - is a simple and funny fake call emulator. The polite way to excuse yourself from any situation. In this update different color schemes and new time engine were implemented. It doesn't require a module 'cttmengine.exe' to be always in the memory anymore.
(New update, Trial version available, http://www.connectivetools.com/calljockey.html)

http://www.connectivetools.com/img/calljockey1.jpg http://www.connectivetools.com/img/calljockey2.jpg

You can download last updates from Connective Tools website (http://www.connectivetools.com/).

12-27-2007, 07:55 PM
While Alarm Master 3.0 is a great reminder tool, especially pre-WM6 (no Task reminders), their upgrade policy is a little expensive and tedious.

I originally purchased v1.0 months ago. Connective Tools then released 1.02 which was primarily "bug fixes" acccording to them, but they still wanted $2.95 to upgrade to it. I finally got 3.0 after they removed the cttengine.exe from having to run in memory all of the time and paid the $2.95. A month later they come out with 3.01 (I don't think a relase update gets any small version wise) and they want another $2.95 for it.

I understand being paid for your work, and any major revision is probably worth charging for, but their are too many other companies that offer anywhere from 90 day free upgrades to a lifetimes worth.