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View Full Version : Handy Picasa Photo Uploaders: Facebook and Smugmug

Jason Dunn
09-18-2007, 08:00 PM
Lately I've run across two photo uploading plug-ins for Picasa (http://www.picasa.com), and if you're a Picasa user you may find them useful. The first, and likely the most popular, is the relatively new Picasa to Facebook uploader.


It adds a button to Picasa that allows you to upload images to Facebook with a few clicks. I tried it once a few days ago and it worked great, but when I tried it again today, it bombed out on me with this error:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'FacebookRestClientException' with message 'Session key invalid or no longer valid'

Hopefully the developer can fix it - from the looks of it, it seems like the transfers for this add-on were being piped through a personal account on a shared Web server...given the amount of volume that anything related to Facebook generates, maybe this app was so popular it took down the server (or at least got the user's account suspended). Here's hoping it comes back!

If you're a Smugmug (http://www.smugmug.com) user, there's a great little add-on (http://meejer.com/smugmug/) that's similar to the Facebook add-on, but this one allows you to upload directly to your Smugmug account. I've tested it and it works well.

Both are free, so if you're a Picasa user, check 'em out!

UPDATE: The Facebook Picasa tool is now working great!