Jason Dunn
01-24-2007, 07:41 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://apcmag.com/5098/microsoft_kick_starts_vista_sp1' target='_blank'>http://apcmag.com/5098/microsoft_kick_starts_vista_sp1</a><br /><br /></div><i>"Reckon you won't upgrade to Vista until the first service pack is released? That's looking likely to be the second half of this year, according to Microsoft's latest email blast. The company has put out a call for "customers and partners (to) actively test and provide feedback on Windows Vista SP1 to help us prepare for its release in the second half of CY07 (calendar year 2007). Microsoft hasn't released details of exactly what changes will be wrought in Vista SP1, which has been assigned the codename 'Fiji' but some OS components which missed the RTM cut-off will almost certainly be rolled into the update."</i><br /><br />We all knew SP1 was inevitable (software is never perfect), but I was a bit surprised to see news about SP1 coming out before the actual product has shipped. That's...funny. ;-) Microsoft is doing the right thing in being proactive with fixes rather than keeping their heads in the sand and chanting "Vista is Perfect!" over and over. I say bring on the fixes, especially if it means those "I'll wait for SP1" people will get on the Vista train faster.