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View Full Version : A Frustrating Media Center Problem

Jason Dunn
09-28-2006, 10:58 PM
I'm having the most baffling problem with my Windows Media Center PC: a few channels (twelve through eighteen) have varying levels of interference and static, and one (channel 43) has wavy lines through it. I immediately thought it was my cable signal, because I didn't have problems with it previously, so I called my local cable company. A little over a week later, a repair tech was out to have a look. He tested the signal strength on the specific channels I was having trouble with, and all came up clean. Puzzled, I took the cable from the Hauppauge MCE-500 TV tuner and connected it directly to the TV tuner on the Dell LCD TV...and all of the problematic channels were completely fine. So that means that the problem is with the Hauppauge TV tuner or some other component (either hardware of software) on my PC. I'm baffled, because I can't imagine what would effect only a few channels. Any ideas for me?

UPDATE: Following the advice given by our readers, I tried updating the Hauppauge driver - it didn't help. I then opened up my PC case, removed the MCE-500, blew out all the dust, and re-seated the card. I also changed the screws anchoring the card to the case, opting for larger screws that allow for no movement at all of the card. Guess what? Problem solved! All of the problematic channels are now crystal clear (well, as clear as analog cable can be). Thanks for the advice everyone!

09-28-2006, 11:34 PM
It really sounds like the tuner card is having the problem. The way to make sure is go to Hauppauge's website or grab your cd, and load their TV 2000 software or whatever its called. It will allow you to watch TV outside of MCE, so you'll instantly be able to make sure its the card, and then call Hauppauge. I'm pretty sure they've advertised with you too, so I'm sure getting a replacement shouldn't be a problem.

09-29-2006, 01:00 AM

The first Hauppauge tuner I had had an issue where the lower channels were nothing but static, and as you went "up" in channels, it got clearer and clearer until the highest channels were almost clear. So it could definately affect just some channels. I would concur that your tuner card is more than likely the problem. The suggestion above about downloading Hauppauge's tuner application to run outside of MCE is the best way to troubleshoot.... that's how I troubleshot mine.

- Aaron

Jason Dunn
09-29-2006, 05:17 AM
Thanks for the advice guys, I'll investigate that avenue...

Filip Norrgard
09-29-2006, 08:39 AM
The obvious: Make sure that you have the latest drivers from Hauppauge as well. I assume that you're watching analog TV, and the analog Hauppauge (PAL) tuner I used had upgrades quite frequently with the last one having some sorts of a software noise removal integrated that produced much better TV image than before.

Btw, if this appeared recenly, make sure that the card is correctly seated so that it is in contact with the computer shell properly. Earthing problems will cause static in analog TV tuners more easily than in digital TV tuners. While you're inside the computer, try blowing away all extra dust on the tuner card, just to be on the safe side. ;)

09-29-2006, 01:27 PM
There's something called cable leakage that affects the lower frequency channels (and some of the broadcast channels that are higher on the spectrum).

I have suffered throught his numerous times with my MCE, ATI Cards, and direct cable (coaxial) connection to the TV over the years (I even blamed one television manufacturer for sending me a defective TV).

Since replacing the crummy RG-59 (which I now use for anntenna cabling)with only RG-6 (and good connectors), all the problems have disappeared.


09-29-2006, 03:14 PM
One more thought. Electrical storms in the Midwest US have had devistating effects on everything high tech. After one such incident, my ATI All-In-Wonder gave the exact behavior Jason has cited. I'm guessing a hit somewhere on the cable system backed up into my card and damaged the tuner. Replacement card and now it's fine.

Bill B

Jason Dunn
10-01-2006, 04:40 PM
Fixed the problem and updated my original post - thanks everyone!