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View Full Version : Plextor Blu-ray Recorder Coming Soon

Damion Chaplin
08-31-2006, 04:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=3970' target='_blank'>http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=3970</a><br /><br /></div><i>"Just two months after seeing mention of Plextor's Blu-ray drive the well-known optical storage company officially announces the PX-B900A Blu-ray drive. The PX-B900A will read and write to Blu-ray write-once and re-writable media in both 25GB and 50GB capacities which also means support for dual-layer media. The PX-B900A is also compatible with all formats of traditional DVDs and CDs... Pricing has been set at $999.99 USD which includes the internal form factor PX-B900A, a single 25GB BD-RE and software including ULEAD VideoStudio 10 and WinDVD BD."</i><br /><br /> <img src="http://www.digitalmediathoughts.com/images/2378_large_1967_large_1966_large_blu-ray1[1].jpg" /> <br /><br />Heh. I used to have this rule: I wouldn't buy a new optical drive until prices came down to the $100 range. I made the rule up for my first single-speed drive and followed it religously until my first DVD burner, when I raised the price to $200... One-Thousand-Freaking-Dollars?! Good lords. :roll: It's gonna be a while till I get me one of these. How about you? At what price point do you invest in new tech (I guess specifically optical drives) for your PC?

Jason Eaton
08-31-2006, 04:22 PM
In this instance... um... I plan to get one on the 12th of never. =)

As been said before, at best this is a marginal increase in gains for me but at an enormous price. When the price matches the gains I'll consider it. So when the price is marginal. =)

08-31-2006, 05:33 PM
The price will have to some down to the $100 to $10 range. At this point in my daily life my $60 DVD burner works exactly like I want it to.

But you have to remember it's not just the $1,000 for the burner, it's the $50 (i think) for a burnable blank disc.

Even at half the 1/4 of the price almost no one can justify it. Beyond storage purposes their is no reason. How many people have an HD TV hooked up to a Blu-Ray Player?

Jason Dunn
08-31-2006, 06:12 PM
They'd have to come down to the $200 price range before I'd even think about it, and that's solely for data backup purposes on one computer. It will be a slow replacement of all the optical drives in my systems, and the purchase of new laptops/DVD players, etc. until HD-DVD is everywhere in my office/home. And that means the prices will have to come way down...

08-31-2006, 07:05 PM
10 bucks after mail in rebate