04-17-2006, 01:55 PM
Try www.pickledproductions.com to do your CD conversion. I can't speak for the others services. I was also stuck between whether to do it myself or pay someone else to do it. Some sites are charging over $1 per CD. I have 250+ CDs and couldn't find myself paying $250. A friend of mine got a coupon for 10% off and this service only charges 70 cents a CD. I was concerned about the quality but with the coupon I decided to try it. Everything worked out perfect and I am so glad I did it. I now have my entire collection on MP3 and everything was right on. Two additional notes. If you are lucky to live within their local area (which unfortunately I was not) you can get your CDs ripped for 45 cents per CD which is a real bargain. Also at checkout time you can enter this code (110269018) and get the same 10% off I did. Another friend of mine tried it and it worked for him also. The coupon only says one per household. Before anyone writes about how easy it is to do it yourself, I know that I can do it. I have Nero but zero time bewteen work, wife and kids. I can't say enough about the service.