Damion Chaplin
04-02-2006, 03:00 AM
"Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has become the second major home video giant to offer pay-to-keep movie downloads. Today, it announced Dutch consumers will be able to download Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on the very day the DVD goes on sale in the Netherlands. The download version will be made available from Midnight, 4 April through Dutch content provider Free Record Shop along with "nearly 100" other Warner-owned movies including the Matrix movies, Ocean's Twelve, Constantine and Lethal Weapon 4, along with classics like Casablanca, Doctor Zhivago and Gone with the Wind."
Exciting stuff. Too bad I'm not Dutch. :wink: These sort of things are often tested in Europe though, where people are much more savvy about these sort of things and broadband connections are cheap. If it's successful, it probably won't be long before we see something like this on the other side of The Pond.
Exciting stuff. Too bad I'm not Dutch. :wink: These sort of things are often tested in Europe though, where people are much more savvy about these sort of things and broadband connections are cheap. If it's successful, it probably won't be long before we see something like this on the other side of The Pond.