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View Full Version : Vote for Your Favorite iPod Nano Color

Kent Pribbernow
09-09-2005, 11:00 AM

So I'm curious to get everyone's feedback on which color option you guys (and gals) prefer? The white model looks clean and sleek sporting iPod's trademark ivory motif. But there is something to be said for that sexy black model.

Is black the new black? Or is white where it's at? Vote in the poll, or better yet tell me which color you intend to buy and why.

09-09-2005, 11:41 AM
I love the black... in the photo... it is king. However, I find that the white version(s) tend to keep their looks better. Also, the white is more capable of being a chameleon. The Apple covers and other 3rd party skins seem (IMHO) to work better with the white iPods.

Never the less, while I am very saddened to not see FireWire support (why why why??? this would have made a great security tool for flash based booting), I do see the incredible value of this iPod as a highly portable storage device with music and information management capabilities.

I for one will be buying atleast a couple of these.


09-09-2005, 12:58 PM
I definitely like the black. Sexy. Classic.

I already have an Ipod Color in white. So the black Nano is what I'll buy. Or... maybe I'll go to Colorware PC (www.colorwarepc.com) and have them paint one in a color of my choice when they have them in stock and are ready to do it.

But black is just so... cool 8).

09-09-2005, 01:29 PM
I picked up a 4GB black one at my local Apple store yesterday. Its gorgeous, but keeping fingerprints off of it will be a challenge.

They have a real winner with this one.

Kent Pribbernow
09-09-2005, 01:57 PM
I picked up a 4GB black one at my local Apple store yesterday. Its gorgeous, but keeping fingerprints off of it will be a challenge.

Hmm. I hadn't considered fingerprints. Does the black one show fingerprints more so than the white?

Kent Pribbernow
09-09-2005, 02:00 PM
Strangely I haven't found any live pics of the black model floating around. You would think someone by now would have posted a few pr0n images. 8)

09-09-2005, 02:19 PM
Ilounge.com have an updated gallery to both the black and white ones.

I probably will go for the black one if I cross grade from my GOLD ipod Mini

Jason Dunn
09-09-2005, 04:28 PM
Or... maybe I'll go to Colorware PC (www.colorwarepc.com) and have them paint one in a color of my choice when they have them in stock and are ready to do it.

Wow - I've never heard of those Colorware guys before, but they do some interesting stuff! :D

Tim Williamson
09-09-2005, 10:46 PM
I picked up a black nano yesterday, it's very cool, and sounds good.

One thing I don't like though is iTunes' inability to watch folders like WMP and Winamp do, I'll probably try out some 3rd-party programs this weekend for transferring media to the nano.

09-10-2005, 05:03 AM
I picked up a black nano yesterday, it's very cool, and sounds good.

One thing I don't like though is iTunes' inability to watch folders like WMP and Winamp do, I'll probably try out some 3rd-party programs this weekend for transferring media to the nano.

What do you mean by "Watch Folders"? :?

Phro, whose last windows OS he worked on was Win98.

09-10-2005, 05:15 AM
I ordered my black nano thursday morning, the 4 GB version, and a set of nanotubes.

I'm sure that fingerprints will show up big time, but let's face it, the chrome shows fingerprints like nobody's business. I'm looking forward to seeing whether the black is a clear plastic like the white, with paint on the inside. Maximizes the lickability factor. :icecream:

Anyone know if the black comes with the standard white headphones, or special black ones? Thinking about it, it must be the regular white ones, or Steve would've made note of that during the Event broadcast.

Tim Williamson
09-10-2005, 09:20 AM
By "watch folders" I mean the ability for it to automatically detect when new MP3s have been placed within the folder that it's watching, then automatically add it to the library. Both WMP and Winamp do this but iTunes doesn't at this point.

Jason Dunn
09-10-2005, 06:29 PM
Both WMP and Winamp do this but iTunes doesn't at this point.

So the only way iTunes is aware of new music is if you use iTunes to rip the CD or if you re-do a complete scan? Man, that's weak. And here I thought WMP's watch folders function was as weak as it could get... 8O

Tim Williamson
09-10-2005, 06:57 PM
Both WMP and Winamp do this but iTunes doesn't at this point.

So the only way iTunes is aware of new music is if you use iTunes to rip the CD or if you re-do a complete scan? Man, that's weak. And here I thought WMP's watch folders function was as weak as it could get... 8O

From what I've read on some Mac message boards, this seems to be the case. But someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm trying to figure out the best way to mount the nano in my car, any ideas? Is there some type of mounting device that would fit on the air vent? I don't really want to use any type of sticky adhesive.

09-15-2005, 01:54 PM
I'm sure that fingerprints will show up big time, but let's face it, the chrome shows fingerprints like nobody's business. I'm looking forward to seeing whether the black is a clear plastic like the white, with paint on the inside.

Anyone know if the black comes with the standard white headphones, or special black ones?

The black shows fingerprints like crazy. The front is clear plastic with black under it (it looks really sweet.) That also means that scratches on the front will remain black. It also comes with white headphones.

Loving mine after a week.