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View Full Version : Apple and Cingular Announce iTunes Phone

Kent Pribbernow
09-09-2005, 01:00 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.apple.com/itunes/mobile/' target='_blank'>http://www.apple.com/itunes/mobile/</a><br /><br /></div><img src="http://www.digitalmediathoughts.com/images/indextopmac20050907.jpg" /><br /><br />This is actually yesterday's news, but after the shock and awe of the iPod nano, the iTunes phone was a rather anti-climactic announcement. Basically our worst fears have come true, mine certainly have at least. The long awaited and much hyped iTunes phone is nothing more than Motorola's ROKR E1 (pronounced "rocker" ). I can't say what a colossal disappointment this is. It had been my hope that Apple was working behind the scenes with Moto to design an actual iPod style phone. Imagine something that looked vaguely similar to the nano as a candy bar phone (drool). Instead we got this ugly monstrosity. And judging from early reports, it's not a good product. In fact, Steve Jobs had an embarrassing moment with the ROKR when the phone failed to resume playback during his live demo on stage at yesterday's media event. <br /><br />Sounds to me like this product needed more testing. At any rate, the iTunes phone will always be, in my mind, the product that <i>could</i> have been. :cry:

Jerry Raia
09-09-2005, 01:05 AM
As I have said over on the Smartphone side, Motorola just laid another big egg and this time had the help of Apple. This phone is a joke. I'm not disappointed because I didn't expect Motorola to do anything amazing. I am suprised Steve was even able to make a call on the thing.

09-09-2005, 05:50 AM
wasup with motorola these days, every huge expected product turns out to be a flop much like the mpx200 and 220s and the mpx pda...even the new pebl's edge capabilites have been dropped. they seem to be able to do their more basic phones better.

Jerry Raia
09-09-2005, 06:17 AM
Even their basic phones are just recooked versions of their more successful phones like the StarTac. They have given up doing good work it seems :(

Filip Norrgard
09-09-2005, 07:32 PM
In fact, Steve Jobs had an embarrassing moment with the ROKR when the phone failed to resume playback during his live demo on stage at yesterday's media event.
Really? No wonder Apple went for Intel Inside... :roll:

Nope, I'm waiting to see what the Nokia N91 (http://www.digitalmediathoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8205) will bring to the market, now that the Moto was a disappointment on the music side. Maybe Apple will bring their iTunes Java midlet over to that phone also? (Ok, I think not, but maybe they'll make it available for download for other phones as well?)