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View Full Version : For iPod users....

Gary Sheynkman
04-08-2005, 07:11 AM
Why did you choose the iPod?

Was it the marketing?

Did it look cool?

Where you unaware of alternative DAPs?

Tell us your story! :wink: :P

Jason Eaton
04-11-2005, 07:56 PM
Not exacty sure about this, but why would someone do as this post asks? This place isn't the most 'iPod/Apple' friendly. Nearly every post of that nature gets turned into a beatdown, shout and flame match.

Heck, maybe I am wrong... dunno... you could consider this a bump then. I think this thread is probably going to remain empty.

Darius Wey
04-12-2005, 12:46 AM
Not exacty sure about this, but why would someone do as this post asks? This place isn't the most 'iPod/Apple' friendly. Nearly every post of that nature gets turned into a beatdown, shout and flame match.

I wouldn't say that. The people who visit this forums, both editors and members, have a vast array of interests and I can definitely name a few people who like Apple products. Give it some time and people will reply.

Personally, I don't have an iPod, so I can't really comment. ;)

Gary Sheynkman
04-14-2005, 01:56 AM
I am not try to start a war. I just wanna know :lol:

I am on a mission to bring spice to the forums

04-14-2005, 04:47 PM
Marketing is never a consideration for me - in fact I waited and researched for over a year before settling on the U2 version of the iPod. Why you ask?

Believe it or not, my main issues with mp3 players were form factor and esthetics. Most of these devices are similar if not exact in specification. I literally handled every version and type of the device and most of them had annoying qualities like poor button placement, crappy materials, or ridiculous colors.

Bar none, the iPod is in a class of its own and anyone that might argue different is on crack or has never used one. Although very proprietary in function and design, the device is heads above the rest.

It is intuitive, well thought out and incredibly well built. Although also heads above the rest in price, I got a educational discount that made it somewhat reasonable (for me at least). Like many other users often say, I don't know how I listened to music without it. I tried using my iPaq 2215 for the same purpose and it just never came close to this experience.

Above all, the U2 version is not white!

05-07-2005, 07:12 PM
I have been using Ipods for about three years now. I am just hooked. they are far more stylish in my opinion and could not be easer to use. I have used them with my PC and Mac with no problems. currently I have a Mini 4GB and a 512MB and 1GB shuffles. the Ipods also have the most availability of accessories. Honestly they are really hard to go wrong with I feel. this is just my 2 cents.

broken spoke
07-27-2005, 06:10 AM
My mini was chosen for me as a gift, but I'm happy with it. I really appreciate the design, but had I chosen my own mp3 player I might have chosen a more 'traditional' one (knobs, buttons, and in the requisite color for most audio hardware - black/silver/gray) because I don't own any other Apple products and I was a little intimidated by the click wheel at first. One sun-fried harddrive, 16 months and 45lbs. lost at the gym later - I can confidently call myself a mini pro. :D If this one fries one more time, consider me officially in the market for a 4G 20Gig, mostly because I don't like the brightness of the new mini's.

I'm a total noob on this site lured by the possibility of a free case. This is the first post I viewed and I'm a little discouraged to hear that "This place isn't the most 'iPod/Apple' friendly"...I was kind of hoping for quite the opposite.

07-27-2005, 04:29 PM
i own a mini 4gig, i bought it on looks, the 18 hrs battery ;) and the fact that i don't need more than 4gig anyway.

08-03-2005, 06:28 AM
Got my 4Gb Mini because I was sick & tired of putting CD's in my car stereo. Now I just rip a bunch of them onto the iPOD, I got myself an iTrip in the meantime (and a car charger), so hello to good music everytime I hit the road ;)

08-11-2005, 08:49 PM
I have a 20Gig 4G Clickwheel iPod. Generally, I'm happy with it but don't like being forced to use iTunes to load my tunes. I'm different from the normal user though. All my mp3s were ripped from my personal CDs. I've been burned by half baked DRM schemes in the past and don't want to "invest" in files I can't play.

Form and function rated iPod very high in my book but I'd look at iAudio http://eng.iaudio.com/ more closely before I buy again.

Bill B.

09-13-2005, 04:15 PM
I didn't choose apple because most of my music is in .WMA format. I wasn't about to rerip a ton of CD's. Both my parents have Ipod. One a mini, the other a 4g 20GB. They love them. Very easy for them to use. With is a plus with an older person. While I love the hardware and design of the Ipod, I would never buy one until they support .WMA. But this is only a personal preference.

11-26-2005, 06:22 AM
I have a 30gb video ipod that is really nice. Apple has really made the ipod into a slim way to carry your music with you. iTunes is really easy to use which is a plus. There are tons of accessories that you can buy for it. That is why I bought mine.