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View Full Version : The Camera Is the Film由ethinking Digital Photography

Chris Gohlke
04-07-2005, 06:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,1782181,00.asp' target='_blank'>http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,1782181,00.asp</a><br /><br /></div><i>"During the heyday of film cameras, the camera was the vehicle for transmitting the image to the film. You'd buy the best lens and camera combination you could, which tended to boil down to offerings from Leica, Nikon, and maybe Canon or Pentax. Others made good cameras, but the contrast you got with a Leica or Nikon lens was always superior. Other fabled lenses appeared on bigger cameras, and everyone wanted to own a Hasselblad too. But that's all academic in today's market. Things are different."</i><br /><br />Dvorak has some interesting thoughts in this article. He surmises that eventually most photographers will have different cameras to leverage the strength of each. I'm curious if anyone is currently doing this. So, time for a poll.

04-07-2005, 07:04 PM
The "strengths" that I am leveraging with my two cameras is form factor rather then best for certain types of photos, etc.

My F717 (or a possible future D-SLR) for nicer shots where I know I will taking pictures and willing to lug around a larger camera and accessories (lenses, flashes, tripod, etc).

My Minolta Dimage Xt is my 3MP pocket camera that I have with me at all times. This way, I never miss a shot. I also use it as a way to document things. If I'm in Best Buy and see some device I want to research, I just snap a picture of the product card. No need to find a pen to write it down, etc. Even faster then entering into a PDA.

I have also considered having both the F717-class AND a D-SLR. The D-SLR for the really nice shots, but the F717 for being able to quickly switch between capturing video clips and pictures or being able to take high or low shots without having to stand on a ladder or lie down on the floor by using the LCD screen to take the shot I haven't not gone this route yet because of the $$$ involved.

Lee Yuan Sheng
04-07-2005, 09:30 PM
Written by someone who hasn't been using modern digitals much. Nikon's line of DSLRs allow you to load custom curves, thereby allowing you to change the look of your JPG files (or the default NEF output). As such the only reason you'll want to use different cameras is for the feature set.

04-10-2005, 12:51 PM
For some, the reason to use different cameras is also the pocketability. I use a Sony W12 (small and pocketable, decent results) a Sony F828 (bigger and better quality) and a Leica Digilux 1 (good enough results, and just small enough to fit in my coat pocket). The F828 will be replaced with a DSLR, and will be taken along when I suspect to spend some time taking pictures (in stead of just snapping a quick shot). The Digilux 1 is taken along when I hope to spend some time taking pictures, but am not sure, and therefor don't want to take an extra bag. The W12 is always with me for the quick shot.

Neil Enns
04-11-2005, 06:53 AM
As such the only reason you'll want to use different cameras is for the feature set.

I agree, but not the way you think :)

I currently have three bodies. I use my Canon 10D for shooting about 99% of the time. The other two are an old film Canon Rebel that also accepts all my Canon lenses, and a really old medium format Yashica Mat 124-G (http://www.csi.uottawa.ca/~debruijn/4107/yashica_124G/).

As much as one can tweak curves in Photoshop with raw files, there is nothing like looking at a slide of Kodachrome on a lightbox. It still makes me grin like an idiot. Winter landscapes shot with my Rebel on the stuff are worth the three weeks it takes to get it processed (I think there's only one place left in the US that processes it).

The Yashica Mat is just plain fun to use. Loading it up with a roll of medium format Velvia and going to shoot tulips (http://www.tulipfestival.org/) is an experience not to be missed. Couple that with the goofyness of having the image backwards in the viewfinder and a square aspect ratio you're in for a weekend of good times and surprises when the film comes back. And there is nothing like the first time you squint at a roll of medium format Velvia held up to the first lightsource you can find.

So yes, the only reason you'd want to use a different body is because of its features. But film *is* a feature, as is format, size of negative, and enjoyment of the photographer.


Lee Yuan Sheng
04-11-2005, 07:24 PM
I think we've been through this before; you know I don't really rate Kodachrome. =P

Plus film is a feature, I didn't say it wasn't. Just that in the context of the discussion (digital cameras) I chose not to mention it.