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View Full Version : Windows Media Center and Skype

Chris Gohlke
03-18-2005, 02:00 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://spaces.msn.com/members/iandixon/Blog/cns!1pG33U4bh6jzLG6yE4ZZG2Bg!384.entry' target='_blank'>http://spaces.msn.com/members/iandixon/Blog/cns!1pG33U4bh6jzLG6yE4ZZG2Bg!384.entry</a><br /><br /></div><i>"On my <a href="http://spaces.msn.com/members/iandixon/Blog/cns!1pG33U4bh6jzLG6yE4ZZG2Bg!375.entry">podcast post</a> I asked about recording Skype and Andrew commented about developing a Skype addin for Windows Media Center. He also said he would be happy to work with develops on creating the add in as he has a COM interface for Skype I think a Skype in MCE would be a very cool toy and would move Skype to the TV. So if you want more info contact Andrew via email or his blog is at <a href="http://beyondthebleedingedge.blogspot.com/">http://beyondthebleedingedge.blogspot.com/</a> He also said within a few weeks he would have a Skype recorder ready! Just what I need for Podcasting I Hope to record the podcast next week!"</i><br /><br />If you are a developer interested in this, you may want to get with Andrew and help make this cool addition to MCE.