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View Full Version : The Chris Pirillo Show Interviews Sean Alexander

James Fee
02-26-2005, 04:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.thechrispirilloshow.com/help/20050225_sean_alexander_is_addicted_to_digital_media.phtml' target='_blank'>http://www.thechrispirilloshow.com/help/20050225_sean_alexander_is_addicted_to_digital_media.phtml</a><br /><br /></div><i>"By day, Sean Alexander is a Group Product Manager at Microsoft. At night, Sean is a digital media junkie, geeking out in front of his HDTV as he watches shows he scheduled remotely using MSN Remote Record for Windows Media Center. Chris talks to Sean about life at Microsoft, Flickr and MCE, and other digital media diversions."</i><br /><br />A interesting interview with Sean Alexander of <a href="http://blog.seanalexander.com/">Addicted to Digital Media</a>. While you are there, why not check out <a href="http://www.thechrispirilloshow.com/help/20050114_jason_dunn_provides_ces_thoughts.phtml">Chris' interview</a> with our own Jason Dunn. 8)

Gary Sheynkman
02-26-2005, 06:33 PM

Jason is such a geek. :P (no really....the interviewer calls him so!)

So how come the microphone pictures of the i645 didnt turn out?

Jerry Raia
02-27-2005, 10:43 AM
Chris Pirillo is still around??