Filip Norrgard
12-30-2004, 05:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br /><br /></div><i>"While people clamor for cell phones and laptops that only need to be recharged every year or so, most users would settle for a handset that doesn't die mid-day if you've forgotten to plug it in the night before. Fortunately, researchers are developing new batteries that could keep tomorrow's mobile gadgets alive for the long haul. Some use microfabrication methods borrowed from the computer chip industry. Others exploit atomic physics in the form of nuclear microbatteries. The aim of them all is to put all the power you'll need right in your pocket."</i><br /><br />Don't you just hate it when you are about to capture a perfect moment, and the batteries on your camera just runs out? This article from The Feature explores the new, upcoming batteries that are undergoinging development. I've heard of fuel cells but not so much about the research on the atomic level. So yeah, out with lithium polymer and in with mobile nuclear power plants! :P