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View Full Version : C|NET: "Kazaa Talked To Labels About Music Swaps"

Kent Pribbernow
12-09-2004, 08:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://news.com.com/Kazaa+talked+to+labels+about+music+swaps/2100-1027_3-5485527.html?tag=nefd.top' target='_blank'>http://news.com.com/Kazaa+talked+to+labels+about+music+swaps/2100-1027_3-5485527.html?tag=nefd.top</a><br /><br /></div><i>"Kazaa, the world's most popular Internet file-swapping system, on Thursday told a court it was worried about users exchanging unauthorized files and held talks with record companies in the United States about the problem. Thirty record companies from around the world are suing Kazaa's Australian owners and developers, Sharman Networks and Altnet, claiming that file swapping through Kazaa has cost them millions of dollars in lost sales."</i><br /><br />It's going to be quite interesting to see how Kazaa will prove that its P2P product is not responsible for the theft of online music. Hope you've got a good lawyer, boys. :roll:

12-12-2004, 02:38 PM
These RIAA-MPAA bast... hem, lawyers are dem@nted sh@rks and cr@zy vult@res :evil:.

Do the car companies get sued because faulty drivers have accidents? Do knives/tools/guns manufacturers get sued because crazy people harm or kill others? Do phone companes get sued because criminals use the phone to plan and correlate their felonies?

12-15-2004, 06:20 PM
Do the car companies get sued because faulty drivers have accidents? Do knives/tools/guns manufacturers get sued because crazy people harm or kill others?
They are already being sued... GM was sued by Derrik Thomas' (former KC Chiefs DT) family because he wrecked his Subarban on an icy day and died.

Gun manufacturers and distributors are being sued because of the work of a serial killer...

Unfortunately, the court system has become a tool for special interest groups to get their way.