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View Full Version : Artists Not Threatened By P2P

Kent Pribbernow
12-06-2004, 05:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://news.com.com/Study+Artists+not+threatened+by+file+sharing/2100-1027_3-5478329.html?tag=nefd.top' target='_blank'>http://news.com.com/Study+Artists+not+threatened+by+file+sharing/2100-1027_3-5478329.html?tag=nefd.top</a><br /><br /></div><i>" Most musicians and artists say the Internet has helped them make more money from their work despite online file-trading services that allow users to copy songs and other material for free, according to a study released on Sunday. Recording labels and movie studios have hired phalanxes of lawyers to pursue peer-to-peer networks like Kazaa, and have sued thousands of individuals who distribute copyrighted material through such networks. But most of the artists surveyed by the nonprofit Pew Internet and American Life Project said online file sharing did not concern them much."</i><br /><br />I don't see how artists <i>can't</i> be effected by file sharing networks. Each song downloaded via Kazaa and other P2P networks represents one less song or album sold in retail channels. How can the cumulative effects of file sharing NOT hurt artists? :?

12-06-2004, 06:42 PM
The issue isn't the fact that the song that was downloaded wasn't purchased, its whether that person would have paid for the song to begin with. Most people probably wouldn't be buying that many CDs anyway, instead just listening to the radio or making tapes from frinds CDs. This is really no difference. The artist doesnt' get that much from CD sales anyway. They get way more from concert tickets and merchandise. You can't download a t-shirt or concert ticket, so the artist ends up doing better.

The record companies do do worse, and that's why they are attacking file sharers so much.

12-06-2004, 07:14 PM
The issue isn't the fact that the song that was downloaded wasn't purchased, ......
The record companies do do worse, and that's why they are attacking file sharers so much.

I totaly agree. From the artist perspective there is very little lost and a lot to be gained.

I am not going po plop $17 down on an unknown. I don't listen to the raido much so I rarely venture beyond the artists I like. I have often gone to the usnet well to find some new stuff and evaluate it. If I find something I like I buy it. If I don't like it, it just takes up space on my harddrive. (I'm not very good at throwing things away I don't need)

Anyways, I think the digital world helps some artists

12-06-2004, 10:36 PM
I don't see how artists can't be effected by file sharing networks. Each song downloaded via Kazaa and other P2P networks represents one less song or album sold in retail channels. How can the cumulative effects of file sharing NOT hurt artists? :?

Wow.. I didn't think anyone actually thought this way besides RIAA, who lie to themselves obviously and just want total control, whether P2P helps sales or not.

"Each song downloaded via Kazaa and other P2P networks represents one less song or album sold in retail channels." - This obviously can't be true, there are people out there with gigs of downloaded music, but I doubt they would have paid tens of thousands for that same music if the P2P network was shut down.

P2P is great for artists, and I fully promote it. This independant artists' blog perfectly describes how I feel.

If anyone is at all interested in how P2P networks help artists, read this:


Gary Sheynkman
12-06-2004, 11:00 PM
just because i am always the pro-speaker for P2P...

I can honestly say that I would never buy the stuff I download ...much less find it in regular stores.

12-08-2004, 05:16 AM
I don't see how artists can't be effected by file sharing networks. Each song downloaded via Kazaa and other P2P networks represents one less song or album sold in retail channels. How can the cumulative effects of file sharing NOT hurt artists? :?

It's just the opposite. Downloaded songs don't reduce music sales any more than libraries reduce book sales. A pile of economic studies demonstrate over and over that free file sharing stimulates music sales rather than reducing it. There's an even larger body of literature if you widen the issue to other forms of intellectual property.

It's partly what flooder says... you won't buy music you're unfamiliar with, and partly just that people in the target market for most music get enthused. The more they listen to, the more they want. If the RIAA folks had any sense, they'd promote MP3 file sharing and provide added value to those who purchase with CD (or DVD-Audio or whatever). Like with movie DVDs that provide special content, the music industry could still make it compelling to go out and buy the little disc even if you have some or all of the songs.

But they just don't think that way, and like all overly-specialized species who are unable to adapt when their environment changes, they'll eventually become extinct. We can already see the rumblings of artists wanting to take control of their music back. As soon as someone comes up with a compelling online way of evaluating and distributing music straight from the artists, the RIAA members will be on their way out the door.