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View Full Version : Adobe's Digital Photography Papers And Primers

Suhit Gupta
11-10-2004, 01:00 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.adobe.com/digitalimag/ps_pro_primers.html' target='_blank'>http://www.adobe.com/digitalimag/ps_pro_primers.html</a><br /><br /></div><i>"From the Digital Negative (DNG) specification to industry-leading Adobe® Photoshop® CS software, Adobe offers essential tools for digital imaging. Explore these papers and primers — written by some of the biggest names in the industry — to learn more about the new world of digital photography."</i><br /><br />Adobe's just published a host of new whitepapers on digital imaging (with, as you might imagine, heavy focus on how Photoshop factors into the process). There's some cool stuff there, particularly on a digital workflow for RAW processing. There are papers like "Making the Transition from Film to Digital", "Highlight Recovery in Adobe Camera Raw" and "Calibrating the Digital Darkroom Environment". Very rich set of information.