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View Full Version : Konfabulator Coming To Windows?

Kent Pribbernow
11-07-2004, 09:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www2.konfabulator.com/journal/index.php?start=73&show=1' target='_blank'>http://www2.konfabulator.com/journal/index.php?start=73&show=1</a><br /><br /></div>An important lesson for all platform builders; never piss off your base of enthusiast developers. First it was Watson. Now in retaliation for Apple copying...err, pardon me; I mean <b>borrowing</b>, its renowned widget toolbox for OSX, the folks at Konfabulator are porting their software to Windows, and it's coming a lot sooner than we thought. A message in the Journal section of Konfabulator's web site posts the following message: <br /><br /><i>"Hello all. You are probably wondering why I am posting in the Journal area. Well, for starters because I can! But really, it's to say "Hi" and let you know that I'm the poor soul who's been working on finishing up the Windows version of Konfabulator. Yes, a die hard Mac guy is writing the Windows version. But I have to say, it's been a blast so far. I'm actually enjoying doing Windows stuff, and I am very happy to be using development tools that work. As far as progress, let's just say we are in the final stretch. I won't be giving away what works and what doesn't at present, but it is very cool seeing your favorite Mac widgets work on the PC. When this thing is finally out there, We'll be releasing a document on how to do cross-platform widgets to help you ensure the widest audience for your cool creations. This release is going to be nothing short of amazing. And we have plans going forward that will make your head spin!"</i><br /><br />Ouch! Development tools that work? Harsh words. 8O <br /><br /><img src="http://www.digitalmediathoughts.com/images/konfab.jpg" />

11-07-2004, 10:41 PM
Nice as this looks, I think I will stay with DesktopX (http://www.desktopx.net) , it's the same kind of thing but has been going a bit longer, and is cheaper!

Jason Dunn
11-07-2004, 10:42 PM
&lt;drool> That stuff looks SO good. I'll say this much: when I look at independent software developer apps developed on the PC, and I compare that with apps developed on the Mac...the Mac ones look SO much nicer. It's like developers on the Mac understand the value of aestherics, and most PC developers have no clue (with exceptions of course).

I'm REALLY looking forward to this. I've always loved the way Stardock stuff worked, but I always fond it just too damn hard to get working properly...

Felix Torres
11-08-2004, 12:06 AM
Ouch! Development tools that work? Harsh words. 8O

MS is at heart a tools and platforms company.
Given a choice, they'll turn *everything* into a platform; scriptable, customizable, and modular; whether it be a word processor, e-mail client, or media player.

And, since they eat their own dog food, yes; their tools are usually second to none. Which means, tools from their competitors have to be comparably good, to survive in the Windows market.

Among the unbiased, I've heard nothing but praise for the .NET development tools.

James Fee
11-08-2004, 04:04 AM
Among the unbiased, I've heard nothing but praise for the .NET development tools.
My only issue with .NET is that they don't give the development tools away for free. If they where to do that, .NET would really take off. I shouldn't have to develop for the .NET compact framework by using Visual Studio.

James Fee
11-08-2004, 06:25 AM
Back on topic...

Seems like Apple has noticed the release date.

Dashboard Widget Contest (http://developer.apple.com/macosx/tiger/dashboard/)

Zack Mahdavi
11-08-2004, 07:52 AM
Among the unbiased, I've heard nothing but praise for the .NET development tools.
My only issue with .NET is that they don't give the development tools away for free. If they where to do that, .NET would really take off. I shouldn't have to develop for the .NET compact framework by using Visual Studio.

I've been using the Visual Studio Academic Edition (Professional version with a couple extra CDs), and it's quite nice. I've been using it for programming an ASP.NET web site using C#. However, I think I still prefer the xCode interface to that of Visual Studio. xCode allows you to take advantage of multiple displays by moving certain elements to different monitors. That can make a developer's life so much easier imo.

James Fee
11-08-2004, 02:24 PM
I've been using the Visual Studio Academic Edition (Professional version with a couple extra CDs), and it's quite nice.
The Academic version is very nice, but I'm so far removed from college, its not even funny. :lol:

11-09-2004, 01:19 AM
Do you think they would have ported to Windows if Apple isn't including Dashboard into 10.4?

Jason Dunn
11-09-2004, 01:35 AM
Do you think they would have ported to Windows if Apple isn't including Dashboard into 10.4?

Nope, I doubt it - but now that they, I think they'll see some lavish praise and $$ heaped upon them by the much larger market. I've been using the product all day and it's very cool. My one hesitation is that it's $25, and they seem very strict about it being PER COMPUTER - they don't even have a desktop/laptop license option. $500 for a site license? Um, no, I don't think so. I have two laptops and a desktop computer that I use regularly, so do I want to pay $75 for some widgets? $25 yes, but $75? Not so sure...

Zack Mahdavi
11-09-2004, 01:39 AM
I have two laptops and a desktop computer that I use regularly, so do I want to pay $75 for some widgets? $25 yes, but $75? Not so sure...

This is primary reason why I don't use Konfabulator currently on my Mac. The price is way too expensive. Sure, they make a nice interface for widgets to be made, but the widgets are designed by regular people for free. The fact that they are not being compensated for writing the true meat of the program just doesn't seem right in my opinion.