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View Full Version : A Quick DivX Versus Windows Media Video Encoding Test

Jason Dunn
11-06-2004, 11:00 PM
I've always heard how much faster the DivX encoder is, and I've always bemoaned how slow the speed of the Windows Media Encoder. But I'd never done any actual comparisons of the encoding speeds, so when I had selected a particularly funny part of a Dennis Miller episode, I decided to export it in both formats and see how they stacked up. The clip in question was 2 minutes and 27 seconds long, and originally captured in 720 x 480 MPEG2 format. I used Sony's Vegas Video 5.0 for the task. I wasn't able to exactly duplicate the video settings, but I tried to come as close as possible.<!><br /><br />First I exported the file as WMV. I set it to 3 mbps quality, 640 x 480, and it took 18 minutes 57 seconds on a machine with a 3.2 Ghz CPU. There was no option for de-interlacing, but I noticed that the resulting video was de-interlaced, so that must be automatic based on the template I selected.<br /><br />Next, I exported it using the DivX Pro codec, version 5.2.1. This is the registered version of DivX and is supposed to be faster than the free codec. I set it to 640 x 480, and it seemed to default to 768 kbps - I wasn't able to change it (I confess to being a newbie at using DivX though). De-interlacing was turned on, quality was set to standard, and audio was set to 56 kbps MP3 format (the highest quality I could select, which I found strange). The result? A video file in 17 minutes and 43 seconds. That time is very close to the WMV rendering time, and the WMV encoder was creating a higher quality output file.<br /><br />Interesting enough, when I set the DivX encoder to the fastest setting, it cranked out the file in an amazing 2 minutes 26 seconds. The quality was quite bad though, so I don't expect people to use this setting.<br /><br />And there you have it - not the most scientific test in the world, but it made me feel better knowing that the Windows Media Encoder wasn't quite as slow as I feared. ;-) What's your favourite encoder to use, and why? I've seen samples from both DivX and Microsoft that blow me away with their quality, so the GIGO (garbage in, garbage out) rule certainly applies in video editing.

Lee Yuan Sheng
01-13-2005, 10:13 AM
Hmm, no one has any experiences to share?

01-13-2005, 11:57 PM
I have not done it so I cannot comment. Since my video media does not have to be portable, my focus is on quality. I usually encode my DVDs to roughly a 1.2GB DivX file, the size of roughly two CDs. The video is ~1000k and the audio is mostly in AC3. I think in that setting, it takes about 2x real time? i.e. a 2 hour movie takes 4 hours to encode. I let it run before I go to sleep.

01-14-2005, 12:00 AM
But I did find this on doom9 and their finding on a selected sample.

Codec Speed
3ivX 50.76 fps
DivX 19.90 fps
HDX4 58.99 fps
ND MP 19.36 fps (31.40 fps)
ND HP 15.79 fps (25.72 fps)
RV10 23.55 fps
VP6 17.49 fps
VSS 35.08 fps
WMV9 21.69 fps
XviD 50.12 fps

See their codec shoot-out here: http://www.doom9.org/index.html?/codecs-104-1.htm

Lee Yuan Sheng
01-14-2005, 02:02 PM
Oh my, look at XviD's speed! No wonder it's getting to be very popular among the fansubbing groups..

Jason Dunn
01-14-2005, 06:43 PM
Oh my, look at XviD's speed! No wonder it's getting to be very popular among the fansubbing groups..

Yeah, that's CRAZY fast...but I wonder what the quality is like?

Lee Yuan Sheng
01-14-2005, 10:57 PM
If you follow klinux's link, it's among the best in that subjective test, only bettered by the Nero Digital formats.