Jason Dunn
08-31-2004, 09:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.engadget.com/entry/8536544887710643/' target='_blank'>http://www.engadget.com/entry/8536544887710643/</a><br /><br /></div>"This week we’re introducing a new regular feature: the Engadget Interview. Every week J.D. Lasica will speak with someone who is helping shape this crazy world of gadgets and technology that we’re all so obsessed with. We’re inaugurating it with Jack Valenti, outgoing president of the Motion Picture Association of America, who spoke to Lasica about movies, technology and whether the new breed of digital gizmos threatens Hollywood.<br /><br />...<b>Do consumers have a fair use right to remix a few seconds of a Hollywood movie into a home movie project?</b><br /><br />There is no fair use to take something that doesn’t belong to you. That’s not fair use. If you’re a professor in a classroom, you show ‘Singing in the Rain’ to your class. You can fast forward it, and there’s no performance fee for that. That’s fair use. Now, fair use is not in the law. People are taking fair use and changing it to unfair use and claiming that it’s fair use....<br /><br />...<b>What would you say to a mom who wants to make a backup of her kids’ DVD movies?</b><br /><br />When you go to your department store and you buy 10 Cognac glasses and two weeks later you break two of them, the store doesn’t give you two backup copies. Where did this backup copy thing come from? A digital thing lasts forever."<br /><br />Must...control...fist...of...death. Man, reading this review made my blood boil. :really mad: Go read the whole interview and tell me what YOU think.