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View Full Version : Hard drive player or mini disk player?

07-26-2004, 07:56 PM
Okay, I'm looking for a new music player. I like the hard drive based players like the iPod or the Dell Jukebox, but they're a little expensive. I can get a mini disk player for under a hundred bucks and the battery life is absolutely amazing.

I'm curious what the rest of you think. Are the hard drive players worth the money? Is there anything not to like about mini disk?

(ooooo, I'm still ryaninc on this site! Gotta get that changed... :roll:)

Gary Sheynkman
07-27-2004, 06:44 AM
If you have enough music to fill that 20gb HD or need to transport files with you and want the convinience then sure! Minidisk is like a cult....a cult that is much more inconvinient. I went from a CD player to MD and then switched back because it was such a hassle. Sony makes really good players but the PC suite sucks and recording w/o you PC is a royal pain in the @$$. If you go with the HD players get the Iriver...it has the most features of the bunch and is more durable (magnesium cover vs. plastic)