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View Full Version : Microsoft Works To Improve Audio Quality On Digital Devices

Kent Pribbernow
04-29-2004, 09:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://news.com.com/2100-1041_3-5202011.html?tag=nefd.top' target='_blank'>http://news.com.com/2100-1041_3-5202011.html?tag=nefd.top</a><br /><br /></div>"Makers of PCs and portable devices are listening in on Microsoft's audio efforts, as they work to improve sound quality and audio playback.<br /><br />The software giant announced on Thursday a list of companies that support its Universal Audio Architecture initiative, aimed at improved audio playback and audio device driver support for Windows. Microsoft also announced the availability of a high definition audio driver based on a specification developed by Intel."<br /><br />Microsoft is working very hard behind the scenes to push its technologies and remain relevant to consumer electronics. But so far Apple has soundly beaten them in this leg of the race. I am anxious to see what happens later this year when Microsoft unveils its online music service.

Suhit Gupta
04-29-2004, 09:35 PM
I am a bit surprised that this article does not mention Janus at all. But yes, it will be very interesting to see how all of Microsoft's grand plans turn out.


Kacey Green
04-30-2004, 02:11 PM
more of a blurb than an article