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View Full Version : Does anyone know of a music tracker for palm os 5?

04-27-2004, 02:26 AM
Smehow I doubt anyone here can help me as Google's been unable to and thsi doesn't really seem a likely forum for discovering people into music tracking......

still: i've been trying to find a music tracker (like fast tracker 2, impulse tracker, mad tracker etc.) for palm and it seems that there isn't one.....grr... very frustrating

just thought i'd check.....

thanks for reading this....if you have ;p

Cameron K
04-28-2004, 03:48 AM
Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is a music tracker?

04-28-2004, 07:05 AM
No worries (as to ingnorance)....

what i meant was a mod tracker of some kind...mod's were an amiga file format.......sort of a four track sampler/sequencer...........

for a couple modern examples check out

skale tracker @ http://www.skale.org/


modplug @ http://www.modplug.com/modplug/tracker.php3?session=

and i have found two treackers for palm so far though both were made for ealier devices than my tungsten e and neither are very good....

hope that help'd enlighten :)