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View Full Version : C|NET: "Bright Picture for Digital TV Sales, Study Says"

Jason Dunn
04-13-2004, 04:04 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://news.com.com/2100-1041_3-5190195.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=news' target='_blank'>http://news.com.com/2100-1041_3-5190195.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=news</a><br /><br /></div>"A study research firm In-Stat/MDR released Monday forecast that worldwide shipments of digital TV sets will reach 93 million units in 2008, up from a projected 17 million units this year. The growth, according to In-Stat, is primarily due to two factors: First, sets with CRT (cathode ray tube) monitors are being replaced with flat panels and microdisplays in direct-view and rear-projection televisions. Second, digital tuners are being integrated alongside analog tuners in large TV set markets such as North America, Europe and Japan. <br /><br />In addition, mandates from the Federal Communications Commission are spurring the U.S. market in its conversion from analog to digital television. And in Europe, an increasing number of broadcasters are going digital at the same time that the price difference between analog and digital sets there is coming down to a reasonable level, In-Stat said."<br /><br />I've been out looking at digital TVs lately, but opted to hold off for now for several reasons (more on that later). What about you? What kind of TV do you have (your main, biggest one)?

Kevin & Beth Remhof
04-13-2004, 04:25 PM
TVs are frustrating right now. HDTV looks pretty cool to me but I just can't see spending the money yet. I have a 31" Mitsubishi TV that I would love to replace. But I don't see any compelling reasons to upgrade.

HDTV and digital are nice but don't excite me enough to drop $1000+ on a new TV. My parents' TV died recently and I went shopping with my Dad for a new TV. Here's what we found:

Great picture, limited life, expensive

Projection (old school)
OK picture (from the right angles), cheap

LCD/DLP Projection
Great picture (from most angles), expensive

Great picture, big and bulky, dirt cheap

So, what did he buy: a 27" CRT. It fit nice on their existing TV stand and has a great picture. For $300, you really can't go wrong.

I really want to get excited about digital but can't. I'll stick with my CRT and put money into other technology stuff (like my shiny new digital camera). When my TV finally kicks off, I'll make the jump to digital... maybe....

David Prahl
04-13-2004, 04:42 PM
I actually have an analog set right now. :wink:

Jason Dunn
04-13-2004, 05:27 PM
I actually have an analog set right now. :wink:

I think if you look around (http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=define%3Aanalogue) you'll find that analogue and analog are both accepted as common spellings of the word. :wink: