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View Full Version : Set-top Boxes With Restricted DVD-burners

Suhit Gupta
04-06-2004, 01:00 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.eetimes.com/sys/news/showArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=2HSLNNZHB3YREQSNDBGCKHQ?articleID=18700235' target='_blank'>http://www.eetimes.com/sys/news/showArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=2HSLNNZHB3YREQSNDBGCKHQ?articleID=18700235</a><br /><br /></div>"Rip, Mix, Burn" will apparently not become the mantra of set-top box makers. At a Digital Hollywood panel here on Tuesday (March 30), Morse said cable companies want rewritable DVDs in future set-tops to archive video. However studios are lobbying the network providers to build a security mechanism into the DVD players. The current scheme under discussion is preventing disks made on a set-top burner from being played on any other system by linking the content to the serial number of the set-top using triple DES encryption."<br /><br />So it appears that there is a push to include DVD recorders with PVRs which is great IMHO because there are a number of people that would love to make custom DVDs with their favorite shows, news, etc. And the plan, understandably so, will have some sort of security system installed that will allow you to play back the DVDs. But this security system will apparently limit you to play your DVDs on the same system. This certainly has the undesired side-effect that you are tethered to your existing cable company, otherwise you might find yourself with a bunch of custom DVDs without a player to play them in :(.

Philip Colmer
04-06-2004, 07:58 AM
If I've read the quote properly, isn't it more serious than being tied to the same cable company ... you become tied to that specific set-top box?

What drugs are these guys taking? Would they seriously put up with these restrictions themselves if they were using STBs with writeable DVDs?

Words fail me :evil:


Suhit Gupta
04-06-2004, 12:41 PM
If I've read the quote properly, isn't it more serious than being tied to the same cable company ... you become tied to that specific set-top box?
Probably not. I am guessing/hoping that each cable company will have compatible encryption/decryption systems across all their products. Not that this makes the problem any better but if this is not the case then yes, it becomes so much worse :evil: .


04-07-2004, 07:51 PM
I think Phil is reading it right. It says the system will be "linking the content to the serial number of the set-top". That sounds to me like they're talking about a single specific box. So basically, you can't record something in the living room and take it to another room to watch on a regular DVD, or even on another box from the same company. What's the point of even having the capability then?

04-08-2004, 06:50 PM
That means you'd never be able to upgrade your box. If your box broke you'd be hosed too.

Imagine how far VCRs would have gone if the tapes were tied to a specific unit.

I'd be slightly more comfortable if it was tied to a user name or something so they'd at least be portable within your home or to a new box. I suppose everyone on the planet could agree to set it to the same thing but how likely is that?