Jason Dunn
03-31-2004, 07:12 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.dvarchive.org/' target='_blank'>http://www.dvarchive.org/</a><br /><br /></div>"DVArchive allows your computer to act like a "Virtual ReplayTV". You can download shows from your ReplayTV to burn to DVD/VCD, play shows from your ReplayTV right on your desktop (without having to download them first) and play shows that are stored on your computer right from your ReplayTV/TV screen. You can also search TV listing, see what upcoming recordings on your ReplayTVs there may be and access those listings from a web browser or GUI. Among it's more interesting features are:<br /><br />• See what shows your ReplayTV(s) have recorded right from your computer <br />• Automatically finds your ReplayTVs<br />• Download shows from your ReplayTV to your computer to watch, archive, burn to DVD/VCD, etc <br />• Automatic support for Replay 4xxx and 5xxx Series units<br />• Turn your computer into a virtually unlimited capacity ReplayTV show archive <br />• Schedule automatic downloads of shows from your ReplayTV to your computer <br />• Control your ReplayTV remotely (turn it on, off, delete shows, etc) <br />• Manage your ReplayTVs photos <br />• Schedule new recordings on your ReplayTV (ReplayTV 5xxx series only)"<br /><br />I'm REALLY excited about trying out this software with my ReplayTV! :D Any other ReplayTV owners out there? Let me know if you've tried this software before and what you thought of it.